Have you bought yourself a Samsung Galaxy S8 device? The Samsung Galaxy S8 is a well-designed smartphone from the South Korean smartphone production giant. It is rich in a variety of intelligent features and popular for its overall dependability. If you’ve recently purchased a Galaxy S8, you will want to know how to sync it to your web profiles for maximum convenience. You will also likely want to know how to sync email on Galaxy S8.
Why Would You Want to Sync Email on Galaxy S8?
Emails play an important role in our day-to-day lives. It is how most work communication transpires. Often, emails are how distant friends and family communicate as well. We do not have the luxury to miss out on important work emails. For this reason, it is important that we keep our email accounts synced to the smart devices we use. So that we receive ready updates about any new mails that enter our inbox. It is not always quick or convenient to open our web browser and visit our email inbox using them. Synchronizing email on your Galaxy S8 is a far more desired alternative. If you are wondering how to synch email on Galaxy S8, you’ve arrived at the right place.
When you use a Samsung device, you are provided the opportunity to keep yourself signed in to one/multiple email accounts and receive emails from all of them simultaneously directly on your phone. Below, we discuss how to add and how to sync email on Galaxy S8.
How to Add Your Email Account on Galaxy S8
You can follow the steps listed below to add one/multiple email accounts to your Galaxy S8 device.
- Head on over to the Settings menu on your Samsung Galaxy S8.
- Visit the “Cloud and accounts” section.
- Tap on the Accounts menu.
- Here, you will be displayed an option to Add account. Click on this option.
- A menu will be displayed to you. You have to Tap on the “Exchange” option.
- Enter your email ID and click “Next” to proceed. (You can enter the ID for any email client here)
- You will be asked to specify the password for your Email account. Enter this information in, then tap on “Sign In”.
- When asked permission for your Email app, tap “Yes” again.
- Wait for your Samsung Galaxy S8 to validate server settings.
- Once the server is validated, you have the option to manipulate Sync frequency, new Email notification alert and so on. Here, you can select the options which you wish to enable/disable according to your preference. After you’ve completed making your selections, tap “Next” to proceed with setting up your Email.
- Samsung devices allow you the facility to enter optional account names to distinguish between your different mail accounts. It can come handy if you have upwards of one email account registered. You are also free to edit the name that is displayed to your mail recipients. Tap “Next” to complete this procedure.
- Enjoy! Your email account has been added to your Samsung Galaxy S8 successfully.

How to Sync Email on Galaxy S8
Here, we list the steps you can follow to sync your email account to your Galaxy S8 smartphone –
- Touch your Galaxy S8 smartphone screen and swipe up or down to have all the apps on the phone displayed to you. [Only applicable for Standard Mode and the default layout for Home screen.] If you’ve shuffled the settings, navigate accordingly to yield the same result.
- Go to your Galaxy device’s Settings menu, visit Accounts and Backup and then finally, head to the Account option.
- Tap the account you want to sync and then tap on “Sync Account”. You might be displayed multiple accounts at this point.
- You can turn the Sync settings on or off as you wish
Do note, however, that frequent account syncing can negatively impact your device’s battery life.
You will know that the setting is turned on when the switch is in blue position. The options available to you will depend on the account type.
Email Account Sync Frequency Settings for Galaxy S8
The following instructions will tell you how you can manipulate email account sync frequency settings for your Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone –
- If you haven’t tampered with the default Home screen layout settings for your Samsung Galaxy S8 device or have your Galaxy S8 on Standard mode, touch your phone Home screen and touch and swipe up or down to show you all the apps. If you have changed the settings, navigate your phone accordingly to arrive at the app menu.
- Tap on the Email icon.
- Tap the Menu icon located on the upper-left of your Inbox.
- Tap the Settings icon on the upper right side.
- Now select the appropriate account by tapping on it.
- You will find an option for Email Sync Schedule, tap on this.
- The Set Sync Schedule will let you select a schedule depending on your email sync frequency requirements. You will find options here such as Auto, Every Hour and so on.
- Next, tap Sync Data While Roaming. Either select Manual or Use Sync Schedule Above.
- You can Tap the Peak Schedule Switch to either enable or disable the option for Sync Data While Roaming. When the switch is in orange position, it is enabled and when it is gray, it is disabled.
- When you have the Peak Schedule Switch enabled, you can edit the following –
1.The option to Sync Emails During Peak Period. You can choose your preferred schedule here.
2.Tap the desired days from the Peak Days Section. When the text turns yellow, you will know that selection has been made.
3.You can also manipulate Start Time/End Time from the Peak Time section. Tap on Set to confirm your selection.
- The upper left corner will have a Back arrow. Tap on this.
- You can choose to edit the settings for any of the following from the Sync settings section. Tap the option and choose the desired setting –
-Limit retrieval size (No limit, 5 KB, 2 KB and more)
-Period to sync Email (1 week, 1 day and so on)
-Limit retrieval size while you roam (No limit, 5KB, 2KB or so on)
-Format of message (Plain Text or HTML)
We hope our Guide on How to Sync Email on Galaxy S8 comes in handy in helping you learn how to synchronize your email inbox with your Samsung Galaxy device. There is no reason you should keep yourself from deriving benefits from this smart feature capability of your phone. We have also discussed how you can add your email accounts to your Samsung Galaxy S8 to get started and how to change the frequency of their sync with your device. Keeping all your email accounts continually synced to your smartphone can cause your smartphone to run out of power much faster. In fact, it can also weigh heavy on your network Internet usage. If you are on a limited Internet plan or simply want to conserve your smartphone battery, choose reduced frequency for your phone-email sync. That way, you will learn about new emails that you have been sent without having to check your inbox each time. At the same time, you will be successful in bringing down your phone battery and network usage.