Documents, statements hold much importance in our day-to-day life. Ensuring all your certificates, documents are in place has been quite a sense of worry about many. You may think every time taking out your original documents to get your work done is a hassle. And to remember all the original documents and keeping track of the same can be tiring and confusing. Throughout your life, you may have acquired many documents, not just study-wise, but also to prove your identity, your address proof, and so on. Each document has its own importance. But one thing is common for all documents, they need to be kept safe and in good shape.
Documents and certificates comprise your school certificates, mark sheets, degrees, college, or university mark sheet, any participation certificate, any winning certificate. It can include any program you may have enrolled in. These add much value to your resume and can help you gain a lot of knowledge before you head out to face the real world.
You will get to know more about how to maintain your original documents, statements, and certificates by the help of affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals. Each section is important, as only then will you be able to completely understand the concept.
How will you define an affidavit?
An affidavit is a sworn or written statement in place of a document or letter or certificate. An affidavit confirms the true identity of the document or certificate in question. You are under oath when you write an affidavit. If any falsehood or incompleteness is observed in the document, you will also be penalized. This is called perjury as you are bound by the truth and will not be able to anything about it.
Hence it becomes all the more important to ensure your affidavit is up to the mark, and there are absolutely no errors involved.
A notarized or authorized affidavit has a lot of value. It only adds significance and authenticity to your case and documents. Affidavits are also permissible in the court of law.
What is an affidavit in place of originals?
An affidavit in place of originals mean in quite simple words, that you can authorize an affidavit for your original documents and certificates. And once you have authorized with the help of an affidavit, you can use this in place of your original documents or certificates.
When you make use of an affidavit, you are under an oath that all the information provided in the affidavit are pertaining to true documents and certificates only. This oath also implies if there is forgery and falsehood involved, you are even entitled to severe or harsh punishment by the government.
An affidavit in place of originals can come very handy and helpful when you urgently need your original documents, and you were not able to find it. You would need copies of the original documents to be attached along with your affidavit to make them authenticate.
What do you mean by notarized?
The official way to authentic and validate any document is to notarize the documents. When you see any document being notarized by a Notarized Public Official, you automatically get a sense of assurance and confirmation that the documents involved are true to the best of your knowledge.
By getting a affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals, you feel assured and confident with regard to the documents in hand. However if found guilty of sharing fraudulent, incomplete documents can lead of severe punishment. One needs to be sure and confident with regard to documents received before validating them and sending across the original ones. This will dissolve the network of trust allowing our civil society to function.

What points to keep in mind for affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals?
A Affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals can be considered to be the finalized document in the court of law. Instead of carrying around all your documents, you can attach a copy of your official documents and get it notarized.
A affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals, is for further validating the document, as and when required. This document of affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals give an assurance that the original documents have been validated and verified. The affidavit sealed by notary helps understand the importance and significance of the document for you and can help you in more ways than one.
Also, while getting your affidavit signed by a notarized public you have to be sure of a couple of things. First is finding a notary public who can help you out with signing and sealing the affidavit. And the second and most important thing is the oath. By getting affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals, you enter an oath where you are bound to the law of the land. And if you falter, then you should be ready for the consequences too. Always remember there are legal implications involved if you falsely make claims in your affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals.
When can a affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals help you?
There are quite a few situations where you may need to prepare an affidavit in place of originals for both family members and friends. You may need to rethink before you can get into the legal oath and ensure to cover all the areas. However, there are a few situations where an affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals can help. In the meanwhile, you should look into the below listed.
· You can make use of a affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals in the court. An affidavit can help authenticate and validate the document as original in the court of law.
· You can also make use of the affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals for your attorney. The attorney or the lawyer can make use of your affidavit and you can be exempted from showing up in the courtroom.
· A affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals can be uses for different assets like the transition of property. It also helps in Estate planning.
· You can also make use of a affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals when you seem to have lost your documents or in case your documents have been destroyed. The affidavit can help you in such a scenario.
Affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals Template
Now that you have understood the meaning of affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals you will also need to type it out so that you need to get it notarized. Before you can start writing the affidavit sealed by notary in place of originals, keep the following points in mind.
· An affidavit is majorly considered as a legal document and can be used in the court of law. So before you go ahead and print the final copy of the affidavit, remember to keep A4 size papers handy. Always remember, it is a professional rule that all documents should always be printed as well as documented in A4 size only.
· Keeping the letter short, and to the point is always advisable. As it is an official piece of document, you cannot afford to make any mistakes in them. Remember why you are writing this and avoid any unnecessary jargon and ornamental words.
· Be professional while typing the affidavit. You do not want to add unnecessary information.
· Add the subject right on top of the document. This gives a clear idea of the reason for sending across the document, rather than letting the recipient keep guessing about why the documents have been sent across.
· The section at the end of your affidavit should be dedicated for the notary. In this section the notary will give their authorization and validation and also would provide their signature with seal. This section is particularly important, and you cannot afford to miss out on it.
· It is always advisable to do a spell check before sending across an affidavit. Also look out for typos in your document.
· As discussed earlier, an official document demands validity and should be true to its core. Affidavit too serves the same purpose, and you cannot afford to provide any false or incorrect information in your affidavit. This can lead to some serious implications.
· Reach out to a Notary Public who can help you notarize the document. Be ready as a Notary Public may not be readily available and you may have to make a prior appointment to get your document notarized. This has resulted as time-consuming as well. However, Public Notaries are very cooperative and understanding.

Here are a few templates which can help you with the same. These templates are designed in such a way that you can directly copy and paste from them. Also if you want you can make your minor changes and print the affidavit as per your convenience.
Template 1
I, (your full name), solemnly swear that the enclosed documents are true and exact copies of the original documents. The list of the documents submitted along with my application are listed as under:
The original documents are in my possession and can be produced for further verification.
Subscribed and sworn to by before me on the dd/mm/yy
Signature of Notary
Printed Name of Notary
Notary Public, State of (to be filled), Country of (to be filled)
My Commission Expires

Template 2
Affidavit in place of originals
I, (your name), hereby certify that all the documents are exact, true and a complete copy of the original documents which were issued to me.
I understand and acknowledge any implications imposed on me, for providing misleading and false documents and information.
List of documents:
I hereby acknowledge all the aforementioned documents provided in front of me, on dd/mm/yy by (your name) are exact, appropriate, and true to the best of my knowledge.
Notary Name Notary Signature
Notary Seal Date: dd/mm/yy

Template 3
Affidavit in place of originals
I, your name, hereby certify and solemnly pledge that all the attached documents are completely true and exact copies of the original documents issued to me by the government agencies.
List of Documents attached:
I understand providing any false, incomplete and misleading information can lead to severe punishment and be accounted as crime.
Your signature
Date: dd/mm/yy
I hereby authorize and verify that on dd/mm/yy all the aforementioned documents provided are complexly exact and true copies provided by (your name). The original documents can be provided in case of further verification.
Notary Name Notary Signature
Date: dd/mm/yy Notary seal

Template 4
Affidavit in place of originals
I hereby swear and affirm by all the information provided along with this application are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The documents are a true copy of the originals as issued to me by the state government.
List of documents.
Signature of Applicant
State of (your state name)
The aforementioned documents have been sworn and subscribed before me on this day – dd/mm/yy by (Your Name). I hereby, verify and validate the authenticity of the documents attached with the letter. The originals document can and will be provided in case of further verification.
Name of Notary Signature of Notary
Seal of Notary

Template 5
Affidavit in place of originals
I, your name, hereby acknowledge and attach the copy of the documents for your kind perusal.
I understand and acknowledge the implications which will fall on me for providing any misleading, incomplete, and false documents. Also to confirm I am willing to take any punishment which will deem fit for my unfair actions.
The documents are true and completely exact copies of the original certificates and documents awarded to me by the government agencies.
Your Signature
Date: dd/mm/yy
I hereby acknowledge and verify the validity and authenticity of all the aforementioned documents provided in front of me, on dd/mm/yy by (your name). These documents are completely exact and true copies of the originals which can be provided for further verification.
Notary Name Notary Signature
Date: dd/mm/yy Notary seal