Human beings need appreciation. It is one of the most fundamental needs and it makes a human work with more zeal. Countries around the globe are trying to find ways to motivate their children as well as employees by appreciating their work and giving them small incentives. It may seem like a thing too big right now, but appreciation is a big contributor to GDP growth.
Students are the lifeline of any country. They are the powerhouse of new ideas and innovations. It is the sacred duty of the schools and colleges to appreciate them for their studies and other activities.
One such way is a graduation certificate of appreciation. It gives students a sense of achievement and accomplishment. But what if you are a student and you want to obtain the graduation certificate of appreciation?
This article is here to help you precisely for that. The article includes tips and sample letters for you to obtain a graduation certificate of appreciation. Please read to find out more.
What is a certificate of appreciation?
The certificate of appreciation is a certificate that is is given by a company or any other institution to an individual to show appreciation and support for their work. It may be for sports, studies, co-curricular activities or job.
A graduation certificate of appreciation is given in order to appreciate the completion of the graduation. It may sometimes be additionally given to appreciate the good performance during the course.
This certificate often includes
- The name of the person;
- The name of the company/ institution
- The reason for presenting the certificate
- Logo of the institution
- The signature and name of the issuing person.
- Sometimes, there may also be a picture of the person attached to the certificate.
Why must a graduation certificate of appreciation be given?
There are many reasons for this. The primary reason if that is motivates the student to continue their studies or as in some cases, work more honestly in their job.
It also establishes an environment of trust and strengthens the bond between the student and the issuing institution. That level of communication is often necessary for a good institution to sustain and flourish.
It also motivates the person to set professional goals for themselves. A little recognition and appreciation can go a long way in boosting self-confidence.
They are also very useful because they cost very little. A graduation certificate of appreciation is the cheapest gift that can be given as an honour.
Why should you obtain a graduation certificate of appreciation?
For a student, getting appreciation is one of the most important things to continue studies further. If you have recently graduated, you can relate with me on this. It makes it so easy to choose our career and de-clutter the confusion around.
This certificate also helps in getting an internship or a job somewhere after graduation. It is an official certificate of your competency and seriousness. The employer becomes more comfortable and trusting if he sees a valid certificate of appreciation along with the application of a candidate.
But how do you obtain a letter of appreciation after your graduation?
Write a letter/ mail to your higher authorities at school/ college.
Below are the tips and samples that can be used to write such a letter. Go ahead and obtain your certificate today.
Tips for writing a letter to obtain a graduation certificate of appreciation:
Writing a letter can be a tough job. And when you need a letter to demand something that is very important to you, it becomes tougher. The formal language to be used may lead to confusion. Do not worry, follow these tips and you are good to go:
1) Be Formal: These kinds of letters are best written in a formal language. These letters are addressed to a higher authority like a principal of your college. So, informal language may not have that impact on the person.
2) Be Specific: The language used in such letters must not be difficult to understand. Keep it simple and straightforward. Be clear with what you want.
3) Mention the reason for your demand: Never forget to mention the reason for which you want the letter of appreciation. It may be for a job or an internship or just for yourselves, mention that in the letter/ mail. That adds to the credibility of the letter.
4) Mention your details: It is very important for you to mention your complete details in the letter. It must include your roll number, Course Name, Address, Session and other such details. It makes it easier for the institution to write a better certificate.
5) Be Humble: Always remember, you need that certificate. It is not the obligation of the institution to give you that certificate. You must be humble and respectful. You were a student of the organisation.
6) Mention your achievements: Whether you were the class representative or football team captain, do not forget to mention that in the letter. It increases your credibility and makes the letter more believable. It also removes the doubt from the minds of the administrators of the institution.
7) Write your letter by hand: A handwritten letter always leaves a better impression. It shows the seriousness and the effort. A clear handwritten letter always trumps over a printed one. This does not mean, however, that if you are out of options you should give up the idea of sending the mail or a printed letter.

8) Deliver it by yourself: It is always better to deliver the letter by yourself. Write the letter and go to your institution and hand it over to the higher authorities personally. By doing this, you leave a very pleasant impact on the people around you. And an added bonus is that you get to go down the memory lanes when you walk those corridors again. Not a bad prospect, eh?
Sample letters to help you write a meaningful letter:
Now after the tips, given below are some sample letters. These can be used for reference while writing your own letter for a graduation certificate of appreciation. Or these can also be used as templates according to your needs.
Sample 1
12 Downing street,
London, UK
(Sender’s address along with the PIN Code)
April 2nd, 2021 (Date)
Modern High School,
(Receiver’s address along with the PIN Code)
Subject: Obtaining a graduation certificate of appreciation
I am a former student of your school/ college with the roll number 12345. I graduated in 202X. I am writing this letter to obtain a certificate of appreciation from your worthy self.
I have been a loyal and hard-working student for your school for the last 10 years. I have participated in every Annual Function and every Sport meet with utmost zeal.
I was the Head Boy of your school for the session 2019-2020. I upheld all the principles with sincerity and honesty. I really cherish the time I spent in school, it made me the man I am today.
I am going abroad for my further studies and I need a certificate of appreciation for that. Please arrange an appointment for the next week so that I can come and collect the certificate. I will be highly obliged.
I have attached my details with the letter. I hope you grant me my wish.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
(Your Name)

Sample 2
12 Downing street,
London, UK
(Sender’s address along with the PIN Code)
April 2nd, 2021 (Date)
Modern High School,
(Receiver’s address along with the PIN Code)
Subject: Obtaining a graduation certificate of appreciation
I am a student of your college. I am pursuing English Literature Hons. I am writing this letter to request you to please give me a certificate of appreciation.
I am the captain of our college’s debate society. I have won numerous prizes for our college and for the state as well. I have a passion for writing and my work often gets published in a student magazine.
I am applying for a media house and they need a certificate of appreciation. It will add value to my Resume and it will reflect the hard work I have put into my college life all these years.
I will be highly obliged if you give me a certificate for the same. I can come and collect it personally.
I am attaching my further details with the letter for clarification.
Looking forward to a positive reply.
Yours faithfully,
(Your Name)

Sample 3
12 Downing street,
London, UK
(Sender’s address along with the PIN Code)
April 2nd, 2021 (Date)
Modern High School,
(Receiver’s address along with the PIN Code)
Subject: Obtaining a graduation certificate of appreciation
This is to state that I am XYZ, a student in your college. I am studying engineering and I wish to make cars in the future.
I am applying in a car manufacturing and I need to appear for the interview for the same. It is of utmost importance to me to get a certificate of appreciation for the hard work I have put into my student life all these years. It will be really helpful if you look into the matter and get the certificate made as soon as possible.
I have attached my details with the letter. I am also attaching my contact details. Please let me know once the certificate is made, I will personally come and collect it. I also wish to meet you before I leave for work, sir.
Looking forward to a positive reply.
Yours Sincerely,
(Your Name)

Sample 4
12 Downing street,
London, UK
(Sender’s address along with the PIN Code)
April 2nd, 2021 (Date)
Modern High School,
(Receiver’s address along with the PIN Code)
Subject: Obtaining a graduation certificate of appreciation
I am writing this letter in good faith. I am a student of Commerce in your college. I am the president of the Commerce Society too.
I am going to pursue my further studies abroad. For that, I need a certificate of appreciation to add weight to my CV and Resume. I have topped the University last year and my academic record is impeccable. My roll number is 123456 for further reference.
I will be highly obliged if you give me the required certificate. I have always held you in good esteem.
I have attached all my details with the letter.
Looking forward to a positive reply.
Yours Sincerely,
(Your Name)

Sample 5
12 Downing street,
London, UK
(Sender’s address along with the PIN Code)
April 2nd, 2021 (Date)
Modern High School,
(Receiver’s address along with the PIN Code)
Subject: Obtaining a graduation certificate of appreciation
I am a student of your college. I am the captain of the Cricket team of our college. I am writing this letter in the hope of obtaining a certificate of appreciation from the college.
I have always been a loyal and honest student of the college. All these years, I have tried to do well in the studies as well as sports. Now, I am applying for specialisation in Sports and Physical Education abroad. I need a certificate to add value to my CV.
I will be highly obliged if you help me with it. I am sending a copy of this letter to the administrative block of the college too.
I am attaching my further details for verification, with the letter.
Looking forward to a positive reply.
Yours Sincerely,
XYZ (Your Name)