Any event organized with a particular objective generally has some special guests invited. These guests add a certain gravitas and value to the event. They do this by virtue of their knowledge and experience. It might a keynote speaker or a special guest in a conference. Whoever that person is if they have accepted your invitation, it is very important to send an Invitation acceptance thank you letter.
What is an Invitation acceptance thank you letter?
An invitation acceptance thank you letter is an acknowledgment of the time someone has agreed to spend for a cause you believe in. This Invitation acceptance thank you letter is a testament of your happiness because the person accepted your offer to the invitation.
Why must you send an Invitation acceptance thank you letter?
A person is selected to be invited based on a lot of things. It might be their knowledge on a particular subject or the experience they have gained on a particular field. While they are pioneers in their field you have invited them to add value to an event you are organizing. So it is important to acknowledge their acceptance of the invitation. This serves as a confirmation of the event but also conveys the fact that you value their presence.
It also conveys the respect you hold for the person who has accepted the invite. So, make sure you send that invitation acceptance thank you letter properly.
When should you send your Invitation acceptance thank you letter?
An Invitation acceptance thank you letter must be sent immediately after the invitation has been accepted. There should not be any delay in sending out the Invitation acceptance thank you letter. The purpose of the Invitation acceptance thank you letter is to acknowledge that you are thankful that the person has accepted your invitation and will grace the occasion with their presence. So, it is imperative that the thank you letter be sent immediately.
How to write an Invitation acceptance thank you letter?
The Invitation acceptance thank you letter must be precise and concise. This is a formal letter. The Invitation acceptance thank you letter could have the following format.
An Opening address:
An opening address is a clear statement describing the purpose of writing the letter. It should mention the details of the invite you are referring to and that the intent of the letter. Refer to the person who is receiving the letter using proper titles like Mr or Ms or Dr.
Thank you statement:
The Invitation acceptance thank you letter must include a clear statement thanking the recipient for accepting the invitation. It could be something like “Thank you for accepting the invitation to speak at the conference for Neurosurgeons”. This statement will depend on the event they have responded to and will change accordingly.
Here you can elaborate on why you are thankful to the person. You can mention the achievements of the person in this section. These achievements are why he was invited in the first place. You can also mention details of the event in question. You can include the contributions made by the recipient in the field related to the event you are organizing. For example let us say you are inviting a Surgeon to a medical conference to give a keynote address. You can mention the advances in the surgical field made by that person. You can also mention that thousands of lives they have saved over the careers.
Final Thank you statement:
After describing the details of the events and the recipients achievements be sure to thank you them again for the acceptance. If you have other details to share about the event you can include that here.
Closing statement:
Finally end the Invitation acceptance thank you letter with something like “looking forward to seeing you”. After this end the letter with a formal closing statement like “sincerely” or “respectfully”. And be sure to sign the letter.
What are some tips to keep in mind while writing the Invitation acceptance thank you letter?
Keep the letter concise and to the point. The letter should not be more than a page long. The idea should not be to overwhelm the recipient with every detail of the event.
Do not use flowery language in the Invitation acceptance thank you letter. The purpose is only to thank the recipient and not to flaunt our linguistic skills.
Provide details about the location of the event and directions to reach in a separate letter. If you are arranging for the recipient to be picked up enclose those details separately. If you have to arrange for a pass for them reach out to them separately. There is no need to go into such details in the thank you letter. Just mention that you will contact them with those details separately.
Do not go overboard in praising them. The letter should not come across as an attempt at flattery. The letter should convey genuine happiness and gratitude.
If you want to make the letter even more memorable make it a handwritten invitation acceptance thank you letter. There is nothing wrong in writing a computer typed letter but a handwritten letter adds a certain charm to the letter. If there is no possibility of sending a handwritten or a computer typed letter you can even go digital and send an email. But as far as possible try and send a physical letter.

What are some of the examples of Invitation acceptance thank you letter?
Below mentioned are some examples of invitation acceptance thank you letters. The first example has the names filled. The rest of the example have been left blank so that they are ready to use as they are.
Example 1:
Mr. Richard Brooks
Date 20/10/2021
Thomas Erikson
Lincoln Art Gallery
Sub: Sincere thanks for accepting the invitation.
Dear Mr Brooks,
Warm greetings! We wholeheartedly Thank you for accepting our invitation and taking out your valuable time to attend the Art Gala on 12th November 2021 (mention the name of the event/function). Your gracious presence will make the event more memorable, and we are truly looking forward to your presence.
We have enclosed the itinerary of the event. If you have any suggestions, kindly let us know. We would be glad to implement the same.
We will be arranging for a conveyance so that you can reach the venue without any hassle. The driver details will be emailed to you a day before the event.
I would like to Thank you once again for accepting my invitation. It will be a pleasure to have you grace the event.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Yours truly,
(Thomas Erikson)
Your full name along with signature.

Example 2:
Ms. Lily Evans
Date (Date on which letter is written)
Sub: Sincere thanks for accepting the invitation.
Dear ______________________ (Mr./Ms),
We sincerely Thank you for accepting our invitation and taking out your precious time to attend the Founders Day event of our school. It is a very important day for our school, and we are delighted to have you as the Chief Guest for this event. Your presence will make the event more joyous and memorable.
The students are delighted to have your presence amidst them. On the occasion of the Founders day, we request you to deliver a lecture on the “Right to education for all”. It will be an honor for the students and the teachers to hear you speak on the subject of education and it will help the students in their future endeavors.
If you have any questions or need any clarification with regard to the event, please do let me know. I will ask Mr. Jones, our school instructor to get in touch with you.
Once again, I would like to Thank you for accepting the invitation and gracing the occasion. We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.
Thanks & Regards,
Your full name along with signature.

Example 3:
Date (Date on which letter is written)
Sub: Sincere thanks for accepting the invitation.
Dear ______________________ (Mr./Ms),
I was immeasurably pleased to know that despite your extremely busy schedule you accepted our invitation to conduct a Dance workshop in our University. Thank you so much for accepting our invitation. The students are thrilled beyond words to have your esteemed presence and the opportunity to learn from you.
It is indeed an honor for our University to host you for a 3-day workshop from 17th Nov- 19th Nov. It will be very kind of you if you could also deliver a lecture on “Dance and Discipline”. This will surely motivate the students and instil discipline in their lives. The detailed schedule for the workshop is attached along with this letter. We have made arrangements for your accommodation in the guest house within the university premises. If you have any specific requirements, please do let me know. I will ask Sara Mathew, who is our Secretary of our Students Association to get in touch with you.
Thanking you.
Yours truly,
Your full name along with signature.

Example 4:
Date (Date on which letter is written)
Sub: Sincere thanks for accepting the invitation.
Dear ______________________ (Mr./Ms),
I am extremely happy to see that you have accepted our offer for delivering a lecture about career opportunities and future prospects to our students in our school. I appreciate your acceptance of this offer, and I am so glad you could take time from your busy schedule.
It will be indeed a great opportunity for our students to hear about different career paths from a Marketing stalwart such as yourself. Your diverse experience in the field of marketing, media and advertising will surely motivate and encourage the students to explore and plan for a successful career. Our students are looking forward to learning some lessons from you before they commence their professional life. Your valuable guidance will definitely help them to make the right decisions. We will encourage more students to participate in this seminar and make it a grand success.
I can meet you on 10th November, Monday at 10.00 a.m at your office to discuss the details of the program. Please do let me know if this time suits you.
Thank you for accepting our invitation. We wholeheartedly appreciate your presence amongst us.
Yours Sincerely,
Your full name along with signature.

Example 5:
Date (Date on which letter is written)
Sub: Sincere thanks for accepting the invitation.
Dear ______________________ (Mr./Ms),
I am grateful you accepted our invitation to conduct a seminar on commercial pottery for the underprivileged woman in Charing Cross women’s shelter.
As you are aware our organization strives to provide these women with skills that will make them independent and self-sufficient. A discussion with you will surely boost the morale of these women.
You have achieved a great deal of success in empowering women and making them confident in their abilities. You have ensured that your company employs these women and have given them respect and dignity. A lot of women owe their success to you and your belief in them.
The event begins at 10 AM on the 17th of November. We will arrange for your pick up, and we will let your office know about all the other details. We have made all arrangements for the event and have also roped in volunteers from various strata of the society. We hope this seminar will act as a stepping stone for these women.
Once again, thank you for accepting the invitation to this event we earnestly hope to see you there.
Warm regards,
Your full name along with signature.