Paperwork may not be a favorite task of you being a landlord but you just cannot escape it. However, you are aware of what a pain it is to compose and write formal letters, particularly when it is about writing a move out letter to tenant thank you. You might be even tempted to skip writing this letter from time to time, especially when you are busy with other work. However, the reality is that writing a move-out letter to your tenant is a necessary risk for all landlords. If you do it correctly, the practice may come in handy to the bottom line.
Purpose of the letter
Also, remember that move-out letters are more than simply asking the tenants to vacate a house or an apartment. A detailed and strategic letter instead could assist in protecting your rental investment. Eventually, the main purpose of a move-out letter is to help to encourage your tenants to vacate the property on time. It also ensures that your property is in good condition so that you can rent it out once again more quickly.
A move out letter to tenant thank you are addressed to an individual who has land or property rented from a landlord. In case you are also a landlord, there could be several reasons for writing a letter to your tenant. You may write it to evict your tenant, issue a warning, or intimate them of an increase in the rent. While writing any such letter, a landlord had to ensure that the letter gives the right details to the tenant. A landlord should also adhere to the state and local laws while delivering or drafting an eviction letter.
If you are writing a move-out letter to your tenant, it is imperative to reread the lease agreement thoroughly to ensure that whatever you are coveting is included in the lease. Begin your letter with the proper address and name of your tenant. Provide all the essential information and address the issue properly. The subject line should be clear in explaining the objective of the letter. Include proper time frames and guidelines particularly for eviction and warning letters. The letter should have a formal tone so that your tenant should understand how serious the situation is. End the letter with a call to action. Finally, put your signature and date on the letter.
What is the document?
When a rental or lease agreement ends, the landlord and the tenant usually have the choice to end the tenancy. If your tenant or you decide to end the tenancy, then the state where you reside may need you to provide notice. This is required although the lease already has a termination date. Even when the move-out letter is not required by law, it might serve a purpose because it clearly defines tenant move-out expectations. Additionally, such a letter can assist in reducing the chances of disputes later on. Plus, you can use the move-out letter as a chance to mention the inspection procedures, as well as, what the tenant should clean.
Tenant turnover may be an expensive and stressful affair but the move-out letter can assist in easing out some of the burdens. In case a tenant vacates the premise in good condition, as is mentioned in the agreement, it will mean spending less money and time on repairs. As such, you can fix a new tenant into your property faster.
A move-out letter is a necessary part of being an organized and professional landlord. At the same time, these letters even after writing beautifully can be ineffective when sent to tenants who do not adhere to the rules. It is important to screen the rental applications thoroughly before signing a lease agreement so that the transition between tenants is smooth.
If you screen the rental applicants thoroughly, there is a greater possibility of finding more responsible tenants who are likely to pay the rent timely. Such tenants will also respect your premise and also comply with the move-out details. When you are aware of the behavior of your applicants in earlier rental situations, it will be a proper indicator of how their behavior will be on your property.
For instance, if a person left their previous apartment in a bad shape, they could do the same with your property. It is obvious that lengthy repairs also mean your property is vacant for a longer period and directly affect your income.
Thus, managing paperwork and writing a move out letter to tenant thank you might not be enjoyable tasks on the to-do list of a landlord and yet are essential tasks.
When is it required?
The timeline for writing a move out letter to tenant thank you is different and is based on the local and state regulations and laws. Make sure you check out local move our regulations and guidelines for your compliance. It is a sensible idea to consult real estate and legal counsel in your locality to confirm the notch period you have to give to the tenants.
Tenants can move out for different types of reasons. However, in the worst-case scenario, a landlord may have to evict their tenants for violating the lease terms or not paying timely rent.
In case you are evicting a tenant, a move-out letter may not be sufficient. You have to comply with a specific and separate legal process to get it done properly. As eviction processes can vary from state to state, make sure to get in touch with legal counsel while trying to evict your tenant.
A nicely written move out letter to your tenant offers many benefits to the departing tenant, as well as, the landlord. Some of these are as follows:
1. May minimize potential miscommunications
A well-documented move-out letter can make expectations for tenants simpler and reduce potential miscommunication later on. After all, you can outline all the requirements of the move out in a single place.
2. Solidify the relationship of landlord and tenant
A move out letter can strengthen the relationship between a landlord and a tenant. It can help to make sure that there is no bad blood between the two when the tenant vacates the house. The letter should also act as a proper thank-you message to a tenant for selecting your property and adhering to the set rental term agreements.
3. Gives time to tenants to act
If the letter is sent with a proper notice period, it enables your renter to have sufficient time t finish all the necessary tasks.
Tips for writing an effective move our letter to a tenant
The body of the letter should remind your tenant that the notice period in the letter is according to the agreed-upon period in the lease agreement. Plus, mention the actual date within which they have to remove all their personal belongings from the property. End the letter by offering basic details on final inspection recesses and the fund given as a security deposit.
State how you want the rental to be vacated i.e. its condition while they leave it. Also, mention the date for the move-out inspection if possible. Ask their forwarding address so that you can refund the security deposit. Put your signature and date on the letter.
However, the details included in a tenant move-out letter can vary because each rental property is different and may also need a unique focus. Here are some other tips to assist you to start:
1. Mention your contact details
2. Inform your tenant of the date on which they have to move out and explain. For instance, you can mention the lease period has ended. If there is a chance to renew the agreement, it is worth including details about any alterations in rent and how to renew.
3. State details of final inspection of the property
For instance, will you walk through the premises in person with the tenant?
What should the tenant clean before leaving the property?
4. Mention important dates:
When will the inspection before moving out take place?
When does the tenant have to move out?
5. Explain all details related to the process of security deposits
For instance, when and how will it be refunded? You can send your deposit refund by electronic payment mode and keep track of the date when the tenant received it.
6. State instructions for leaving the apartment keys behind:
Mention in case the letter has any attachments like a move out checklist
7. You may personalize your move our letter the way you like by stating the termination reason if applicable. Alternatively, you may include certain move-out instructions that are also a part of the original lease agreement.
8. The letter should be kept simple and have a polite tone
Your letter is not the place for settling past problems and disagreements with your tenant. Instead, the purpose of this letter is to give adequate notice to them of the impending date for end-of-lease and offer a record of the written notice.
9. Make sure to ask the forwarding address of your tenant so that you know where to send the refund of their security deposit if applicable.
10. Maintain a copy of this letter for your records. It is a renewal record a landlord should maintain just in case.
11. Do not forget to put the date on your move-out letter. It is to ensure that you adhered to the notice period required by the state laws and according to the lease agreement between your tenant and you.
Samples of move out letter to tenant thank you
Sample letter #1
From: [Landlord name]
To: [Tenant Name]
This letter hereby notifies you to vacate the residential premise situated at [Full Address] within 30 (Thirty) days. Please comply with this letter to stay away from legal action.
In case you have any further clarifications or queries, please get in touch with me through my mobile number [mobile number] or my email address [email address].
Thank you,
[Landlord Name]

Sample Letter #2
From: [Landlord name]
To: [Tenant Name]
I hereby request you to leave the commercial premise situated at [Full address] within 30 (thirty) days. Please comply with the content of this notice for avoiding legal action.
If you have any clarifications or queries, you can contact me through my mobile number [mobile number] or my email address [email address].
Thank you,
[Landlord Name]

Sample letter #3
[Senders Name]
[Full address]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Date of the letter]
[Name of Recipient]
[Full Address]
[State, ZIP Code]
Dear [Name of Landlord],
I hereby acknowledge that I got your letter to end our tenancy agreement as of 21st March 2021.
I would like to sincerely thank you for being an extremely nice tenant before you leave the premises. Throughout all these years, you complied with all the requirements of our contract and have been responsible. I got to know from your letter that you will be relocating to another town. I wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.
Thank you once again.
[Landlord Name]
[Landlord Title]

Sample letter #4

(Tenant Name)
(Current Address of Apartment)
(City, State, ZIP Code)
(Date of Letter)
(Apartment Company’s Name or Landlord)
(Address as on Lease Agreement)
(City, State, ZIP Code)
Dear (Landlord name or manager),
Kindly treat this letter as my written notice based on our lease agreement dated (date). I would like you to know that I will be vacating my apartment on (date), which is also the day my current lease is ending.
Kindly let me know the date by which my security deposit amounting to (amount) as agreed up in the lease, will be refunded. Also, let me know whether you will be deducting any money for the damages that were caused due to routine wear and tear.
You can reach me at (mobile number and email id) after my moving day.
(Tenant Name & Signature)
(Apartment number)

Sample letter #5
[Today’s Date]
[Tenant Name]
[Tenant Address]
Dear [Tenant Name],
I am writing this letter is to intimate you that the lease for [Full Address] signed on [Lease Start Date] will end on [Lease End Date] and will not renew. Here is an attached copy of the lease agreement for your reference. According to the lease agreement, this lease termination letter adheres to the notice requirement of [Number of Days]-day.
Also, find attached a copy of the move-in walk-through. I would also like to schedule a move-out walk-through at the end of our lease. Please call or email to schedule the date for a final inspection.
Kindly share your new mailing address for my future reference and the refund of your security deposit.
Thank you for sparing your time on the matter and for being an excellent tenant. In case you require anything further, do not hesitate to contact me.
[Landlord Signature]
[Landlord Full Name]