Employees are an asset for any organization. Small, medium or large scale business, employees from varied background and different capacities work to contribute in the success of an organization. Some employees merge with the company work culture and spend long terms while others make quick movements. It is the long term employees that make major contribution in the growth of the company and considered as valuable assets in the world. Majority of companies follow a standard way of last communication to announce the retirement of an employee. However, a personalized pitch in the form of letter makes a lasting impression and evokes positivity.
After serving a long term, when an employee retires, all they expect is that their organization should value their work. They were respected for their skills and appreciated for their time they have given to the company. Hence, sending retirement letter to employee and thanking them is perfect way to maintain the company’s communication standards.
A retirement letter to employee thank you can turn around the day for the outgoing employee. Upon receiving such a communication, they will feel connected and valued even on their last day.
Tips to write Retirement Letter To Employee Thank You
Normally, any letter that is sent on the behalf of a company has formal tonality. In a letter to an employee retiring from their position, the tonality of the communication should be a mix of formal and informal speech. The reason behind is their long period of service. The retiring employee shared close connection with the company while, a retirement letter will be treated as formal means of company communication.
To elaborate here are some tips to write Retirement Letter To Employee Thank You:
- The structure of the letter should be clear and concise.
- The length should be kept as per formal communication standards.
- Strike a balance between formal and informal tone of written communication.
- Address the employee with their first and second name.
- Mention their tenure and achievements clearly in the letter.
- Express appreciation in bold with praise for their service.
- Add a quote from a senior management person, if required.
- Write words of encouragement for the retirement period.
- Avoid mentioning about former glitches related to work.
Writing a retirement letter to employee may sound like an easy task, however, it is important to keep in mind that the communication is meant to encourage the senior outgoing employee. In no way the communication should look like a generic work to fill the ritual.
The letter should amplify company’s policies, leave a positive impression and show care for the retiring employee. Writing details such as name, position, project names, tenure can encourage the employee. They will feel appreciated on their last day. And will feel valued for putting in the time and effort for the organization. Therefore, structuring the letter in a way that it is personalized for an employee is the right way to put across the message.
Main elements in Retirement Letter To Employee Thank You
Besides making a balanced pitch, the retirement letter to the employee should convey the main purpose as per formal communication standards. It should neither exaggerate the achievements nor undermine the capability of the outgoing employee.
Here some of the main elements which should be included in the retirement letter to an employee:
- Headline
- Name of the retiring employee
- Body of the letter
- List of projects/achievements
- Team member names
- Quote from management
- Gratitude quote
- Words of encouragement
Retirement letter to employee can be balanced with usage of both formal and informal verbiage. Following the structure and keeping the tone of the letter to suit company’s communication strategy should be focus area.
Normally, human resource department take up the task of sending retirement letter to employees. Thus, they should try to add more personalized information about the employee before sending the letter out.
Samples of Retirement Letter To Employee Thank You
Sample one
Dear Sam,
You have been part of our team for over 20 years. Starting from preparing for team meetings and coordinating with clients, your efforts for the company are hard to be expressed in words. Similarly, the achievements you have earned by putting sheer hard work into each and every task, no amount of words can amply describe that.
The service you have rendered in these years has added to the company’s success run. Employee like you are hard to find and even harder to let go. As a team, we are happy to announce that now you have to start a new phase in your life. This phase will provide plenty of time for yourself and your family.
We all, at XYZ co, wish you a very happy and blissful retirement. Thank you Sam for being part of our team and adding that magic.
Yours faithfully,
Team Marketing
Company address

Sample two
Wishing you a wonderful retirement
Hello Andrew,
After serving XX years with us, you are all set to jump to the next phase of your life. And it is going to be your retirement phase and we hope that you are excited about it.
But, let us tell you that we will miss you here everyday. On the professional front, your devotion towards each task and the professional rapport with clients have immensely contributed as building blocks of client relationships in the company. Your unmatchable experience and ability to convince clients have helped us become the forerunner in sales and marketing efforts for so many years.
Personally, you have always carried a great attitude towards team mates, juniors and senior people in the firm. From your Friday singing sessions to coffee break jokes, your absence will be deeply felt within the team. It is because of employees like you, organizations like us are able to thrive better.
We wish lots of success and joy in the time to come.
Team XYZ

Sample three
Fred (Fredrick Hampton)
It gives us immense pleasure to announce that after successfully completing XX years in the company, you are now proceeding towards your retirement phase. By serving these many years, you are eligible to take rest at home and spend lots of quality time with family.
You have set an example in the company for serving your full employment period. During which your achievement and adherence to code of conduct will continue to inspire many other employees in the organization. We have been very lucky to have you as part of our procurement team.
As a company, we have policy to surprise our retiring employees with a personalized gift. So, please don’t forget to collect that from our HR department.
Thanks for your service. We wish you luck.
<Organization name>

Sample four
To Dave,
Since, this is your last day with the company; we are not letting you retire with heavy heart. Parting ways though is not easy, but we would like to congratulate you and wish you all the luck on this day. It was a pleasure to have you as a senior employee of the sales team. Your devotion and hard work will be missed by the team and the company for years to come. The experience and expertise shown by you in all these years have set a unique example in front of us. Our company has always valued the efforts made by you and achievements will continue to inspire us further.
As now you proceeding towards retirement, we are happy for you. And we would like to extend our warm wishes to you and your family. Thanks for being part of our family.
Yours sincerely
<Team name>/<Organization name>

Sample five
Hello Miranda,
We are delighted to announce your retirement today. We, at <company name>, are grateful to have you services for XX years and the dedication which you put in, day in and day out in company’s growth.
The successful completion of projects under your guidance has inspired many teams in the organization. Your capabilities require no eulogies. Yet, we would like to state that the company has seen commendable success under your leadership and team handling experience that stretched to across the continents. It would be difficult to find another match like you and fill the void that you will leave us in.
Post retirement, there is a chance to keep in touch with activities in the company through a mentoring program. You can sign up and check the kind of leadership training you can impart to different teams. This is however, an optional program which you can join.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for being part of our success.
<Company name>
<address or contact>

Sample six
Have a fabulous retirement Matt
This is the last day of yours at XX corporation and as our most appreciated and valued team members, we congratulate you. From the past 21 years, you have maintained same levels of dedication towards every project that was assigned to you. Starting from your boss, colleagues to juniors, you have set high standard of delivery in all these years of service. Not merely the zeal to deliver with perfection but your energetic stance has contributed in the performance of the entire team. We are immensely grateful to have employed you with us.
Thanks for serving the company with such commitment and passion. It will hard to let you leave the company but your achievements and work style will keep on inspiring us forever. At the same time, we are happy that now you will be able to give your time to your family.
We will miss you. Happy retirement.
<Company name>
<contact details>

Sample seven
Hey Kelly,
Parting ways is never easy, especially when dedicated employees like you say goodbye to us. With much feelings and gratitude in our heart, we would like thank you for giving your services for XX years. Since, it is your last day in the organization and you will be moving towards the retirement phase of your life, we extend our warm wishes on the day.
On behalf of the company and your team, we reiterate that you have been among the best employees in the past XX years. Your hard work and skills have led valuable additions all through these years. Many tasks which looked impossible at first, were taken care by you and completed without any hassles.
The guidance given by you to junior members has been exceptional, equally. Plus, your selflessness has left a deep impression which can’t be leveled easily. We appreciated your presence and will surely feel your absence.
Here’s wishing you a beautiful journey ahead.
Team XYZ

Concluding words
Employees of all ages work in millions of companies across the world. And retirement is global followed industry standard for work opportunities. Dedicated human resource departments work for employee betterment and improvement of practices within an organization. As the employee is an asset to a company, it is the professional duty to value the outgoing employees and make a positive impression in their mind. Many companies tend to ignore such employee-friendly policies, although, taking care of employee benefit is considered first step towards establishing company’s future prospects. Retirement letter to employee expressing gratitude is the foremost professional means to communicate with the retiring employee. After serving a long term, retirement can induce an employee with mixed emotions. It is both stressful and happy period, as employee is ending one journey to begin another. At the same time, for the retiring employee it is not easy to accept that their age of working has come to an end. While, they will have to be home bound and will not able to see their colleagues. Equally, stressful can be the colleagues who develop deep bonds with the retiring employee while working together. Hence, considering these factors, the communication should carry strong words of encouragement. Mentioning mistakes and employee’s glitches should be clearly avoided on last day of their work. Praises and gratitude should form the primary focus of the retirement letter to employee thank you.