Saying thank you is a value taught to us when we were kids. It is the simplest form of expressing gratitude towards someone for something they did. You feel gratitude when someone goes out of their way to do something for you. It can be feeding you, getting a gift for you, taking you out or anything else. Saying thanks reflects your attitude of gratitude. The act of thanking someone not only makes the recipient happy but it will also make you happy. The logic behind this is the principle of Karma which says that “What goes around, comes around”. According to this principle, all the positivity you give to someone will come back to you in some way or the other.
You can say thanks to anyone who comes into your life and add to it in any positive way. There are various means of doing this. One such means of saying thanks is through a thank you letter. You can give a thank you for coming into my life letter to someone who has made your life better by being a part of it. It will also make the person whom you thank feel loved and appreciated. It will make them realise that you value their time and efforts.
In this article, we will guide you on how to write an effective thank you for coming into my life letter. Read ahead to find out more about this letter, tips for writing it and some samples too.
What is a Thank You for Coming Into My Life Letter?
Thank you for coming into my life letter is an informal letter of thanks written to a special person whom you value. It can be written to someone who has added some value to your life and has changed your life positively. It is a sincere letter written to express gratefulness. It is a letter through which you can express your emotions and feelings towards someone. It is more than a “thank you so much” message. It is one of the most heartwarming ways of saying thanks.
You can write this thank you letter on a handmade card or on paper. It can be accompanied with gifts too. Thank you letters can be handwritten or printed. There are many ways of sending a thank you letter like handing it over to someone physically, sending it through post or using email. You can choose the medium of sending your letter depending on your convenience.
When is a Thank You Letter for Coming Into My Life Letter Required?
If you are surrounded by the dilemma of whether to write or not write a thank you letter, then you are at the right place. Everyone who enters our life brings some energy with them. It can be a positive energy or a negative energy. If you feel like someone who entered your life brought a positive spirit into your life and lighted it up, then you should probably write this letter. A thank you letter for coming into my life can be written and sent whenever you feel like thanking someone special for being a part of your life.
You can write this letter when you feel grateful for someone’s presence in your life. You should write this letter to someone who goes out of their way to help you. You can acknowledge someone’s favors for you through this letter. It is also a good idea to write a letter to thank someone when they come into your life and light up your world. It can be written to someone you share a close relationship with. The recipient of this letter can be your partner, best friend, colleague, close friend or anyone else.
Tips for Writing an Effective Thank You For Coming Into My Life Letter
Now that we have learnt what a thank you for coming into my life letter is and when it is required, let’s learn how to write it. We have curated a list of tips for writing an effective thank you for coming into my life letter.
The first thing to keep in mind while writing any letter is its format. However, as this is a simple informal letter, you can use a first of your choice. There is no strict format for an informal letter. We have got one sample format for your reference.
Your address
Today’s Date
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
(Body of the Letter)
Yours Lovingly,
_____ (Sender’s Name)
- The next thing after the format is how to begin the letter. You should start the letter with a salutation. You can choose the salutations depending on your relationship with the person you are writing it to. The most common and widely used salutation is ‘Dear’.
- The tone of the letter should match your relationship with the recipient. As you are writing this letter to someone close, you should write it in a more intimate or personal way.
- The next aspect is the purpose of the letter. As it is a thank you letter, you should ensure that the tone of the letter is warm and grateful. Your words should reflect your thankfulness towards the recipient of the letter.
- State exactly why you are thankful to them. Mention the reasons for your thankfulness and talk about how they are valuable to you.
- Make sure that the recipient of the letter feels special on reading your letter. To do this, you can use words and phrases of love and gratitude.
- You should not let your letter feel like a copy- paste from the internet. Make it more personal by talking about some incidents close to your heart.
- Ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand. Do not try to twist your words. Also check your letter for any possible grammar or spelling errors. While handwriting the letter, you are not confident about your writing skills, then you can prepare a rough draft first then copy it on the final paper.
- End the letter with a message of love. Tell the recipient that you care for them.
Sample Thank You for Coming Into My Life Letter
Let us now move onto the next section of this article. Here, we have got a few sample templates of thank you for coming into my life letter for you. If you feel like writing a letter is not your cup of tea, you do not need to worry as we have got perfect ready to use templates for you.
Sample 1- Thank You for Coming Into My Life Letter to Husband
Your address
Today’s Date
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
I can never say enough thanks to you to express how grateful I am for your presence in my life. Every day, I thank my stars for making me meet you and for making us fall in love. You have made me the person I am today. It is because of you that I have become a better human and a caring individual. You inspire me to become better each day.
It is for you that I can now open up to people and talk about my emotions. I am thankful to you for being the best husband ever. I am writing all my feelings down and not saying this to you face – to – face because I can never get my words together. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for teaching me the value of appreciating myself and accepting my flaws. You give me the strength to go through everything. I appreciate you for everything you do for me. Thanks for being a part of my life, today and everyday. I love you.
Yours Lovingly,
_____ (Sender’s Name)

Sample 2- Thank You for Coming Into My Life Letter to Best Friend
Your address
Today’s Date
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
It has been 15 years since the day we became friends. I remember entering a class full of people and the teacher making me sit next to you. From that day till today, you have not left my side. I am so grateful that you came into my life or maybe I walked into yours. But you clearly made my life a lot better.
Every moment is light with you. I love our friendship because there are no obligations in it. Our friendship is about being there for each other and you have always fulfilled it. I know that I am not even half as good as you but I hope I make you smile a bit. I am writing this letter to bring a smile to your face and tell you that you are valued, every single day. Cheers to us and our friendship!
Yours Lovingly,
_____ (Sender’s Name)

Sample 3- Thank You for Coming Into My Life Letter to a Special Colleague
Your address
Today’s Date
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
Thanks for joining this office and choosing to be a part of the same team as me. You have made this office a better place to work at. You have become a special part of my life since you joined. I am grateful to have found a friend in my colleague. Through the office banter to gossiping about bosses, I know I have you to talk with. I can count on you for everything, from helping me with my work to giving me life advice. Thank you for coming into my life and becoming such a special person. Sending you love.
Yours Lovingly,
_____ (Sender’s Name)

Sample 4- Thank You for Coming Into My Life Letter to a Close Friend

Your address
Today’s Date
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
Thank you for all the gestures you make to make me feel loved. This is a simple gesture from my side to tell you how much I love you. I am grateful to have you as a close friend. Our friendship has passed the test of time as we stood tall against all the troubles life threw at us. We have seen each other at our worst times and helped each other to get out of it. You have been with me since high school until today. So I want to appreciate all your efforts and tell you that you are valued and loved. Thanks for choosing me to be your friend and always proving what true friendship is. I feel blessed to have you in my life. I love you.
Yours Lovingly,
_____ (Sender’s Name)

Sample 5- Thank You for Coming Into My Life Letter to Wife
Your address
Today’s Date
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
This letter might come as a surprise to you but I chose to write this letter because you already know how tough it is for me to express myself face-to-face. Through this letter, I want to thank you for coming into my life and lighting it up with your smile. You have been a rock solid support for me. You are the strongest woman I know and I appreciate you for your solid viewpoints.
Since the day you came into my life, I started looking forward to doing everything with you. From sharing our ice creams to having kids together, we have had a great life. It is only because of you as you always trusted me and never left my side. Even when I was at my lowest, you stood beside me. I love you for everything. Thanks for believing in me and making me a part of your life.
Yours Lovingly,
_____ (Sender’s Name)