Appreciation is what we all live for. Receiving appreciation from someone makes us feel worthy and satisfied. At times, people go out of their way to help you and appreciate you for the things you do. This is a display of courtesy and etiquette on their part too. At such times, it is never a bad idea to show gratitude for their appreciation. Appreciation should be reciprocated with appreciation and gratitude. To express gratitude towards someone for their appreciation, you can write a thank you letter to them. Sending a thank you note goes a long way as it will be remembered by the receiver and will surely help make your relations better.
Thank you letters come handy at more than one instance. It can be used to show gratitude towards someone for their appreciation for your work, art, performance, etc. However, we know that putting your feel- good emotions on paper is a tough task. To help you do that, we have prepared this article. With this, we will help you write a perfect thank you letter for appreciation. Let’s get started!
What is a Thank You Letter for Appreciation?
A thank you letter for appreciation is a letter written to show gratitude to people who appreciate you. It is a generous letter of thanks written with the sole purpose of thanking someone. It can be a formal or an informal letter. This letter being formal or informal mainly depends on whom you are writing it to. If you are writing it to someone with whom you have a formal relationship, then it would be a formal letter. Examples of this can be your boss, colleagues, teachers, etc. Further, if you write this letter to your parents, friends or relatives, then it would be an informal letter.
Though you can send this thank you letter via email or post, it is still a better idea to write it yourself and give it to the receiver in person. Handwritten letters will surely be appreciated by the receiver and they might keep the letter safely as a token of your gratefulness. It is a good way of forming good relations and maintaining them in the longer run.
When is a Thank You Letter for Appreciation Needed?
A thank you letter for appreciation can be useful at many occasions. You can write it whenever someone appreciates you or your work. Some specific instances when writing a thank you letter for appreciation would be a good idea are given below:
- You can write it to your teacher to thank them for appreciating your artwork.
- You can thank your boss for appreciating you for your work by writing a thank you note.
- Next, this letter can be written to the dance teacher for appreciating your dance performance.
- You can also write this thank you note to your friend for appreciating your help in difficult times.
- Also, a thank you note for appreciation can be written to the company for appreciating your work and choosing you as the best employee.
- Moreover, you can thank your parents for appreciating you for clearing an exam by writing this thank you letter.
Tips for Writing an Effective Thank you Letter for Appreciation
Follow the tips given below to write an effective thank you letter for appreciation.
- Start your letter by choosing the correct format for it. You should write the letter in as a formal letter if you are writing it to your boss, colleague, teacher or anyone else you share a formal rapport with. Next, you can write it using the format of an informal letter if you are writing it to your friends, family or others. The sample formats for both the types of letters are given below for your reference. You can choose the one that is relevant for you.
Informal Letter:
Sender’s Full Name
Your address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
With Love,
_____ (Sender’s Name)
Formal Letter:
Address of the Sender
Email Address of the Sender
Name of Receiver
Address of the Receiver
Subject: Thanks You for Your Appreciation
Dear ______ (Name of the Recipient)
Sender’s Full Name
- Do not forget to mention the subject line in the formal letter. In this letter, you can write ‘Thank You for the Appreciation’, ‘Thank You for Appreciating Me’, ‘Thank You Letter for Appreciation’, etc. in the subject line. Subject lines are not required in informal letters.
- Address the letter to the recipient correctly. Double check the spellings of their name and other personal details in this letter.
- While writing a formal letter, keep the tone of your letter formal. Do not use any negative words while writing this thank you letter.
- If you are writing this letter informally, you are at the liberty of writing informal words and phrases in the body.
- Some words that you can use to write this letter are ‘Thank You’, ‘grateful’, ‘obliged’, ‘indebted’, ‘filled with gratitude’, etc.
- One thing that you should remember while writing this letter is that regardless of the type of letter, your overall tone should be positive. The letter should reflect your gratification and thankfulness.
- Another rule of writing an effective thank you letter is to keep the body of the letter short and specific. Do not forget to mention clearly what you are thankful for and what their appreciation means to you. However, you should still keep it short and try to limit your letter to two to three paragraphs.
- Lastly, you should express gratitude towards the receiver once again before closing your letter.
- Close the letter with a simple closing note. The closing note too depends on the nature of the letter. You can use ‘Regards’, ‘Thank You’, ‘Thanks and Regards’, etc. for closing formal letters. Further, for closing informal letters, you can use more informal phrases like ‘Yours Lovingly’, ‘Love’, ‘Thanks’, etc.
Sample Thank You Letters for Appreciation
This section includes a few sample letters of thanks for appreciation. You can use these templates to send them to anyone you want to. These templates can also be edited easily by downloading and editing. Let us have a look at them.
Template 1: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Address of the Sender
Email Address of the Sender
Name of Receiver
Address of the Receiver
Subject: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Dear ______ (Name of the Recipient)
Thank you for taking out time from your hectic schedule to visit my art exhibition last week. It was my honor to have you at my exhibition. You have always been my role model and receiving appreciation from you makes me feel so happy and confident. Thank you for appreciating my work and teaching me the details of art. Your teaching and support are my strongest pillar. Your teachings make me work harder and help my art get better.
You are one person who appreciates my work every time you see it. I have realized how important your appreciation is for me as it helps me feel confident and give my best to my art. Thank you, once again, for your generous words and reserving time from your busy schedule for visiting my art work exhibition.
Sender’s Full Name

Template 2: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Address of the Sender
Email Address of the Sender
Name of Receiver
Address of the Receiver
Subject: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Dear ______ (Name of the Recipient)
With this letter, I would like to express my gratitude towards you for appreciating my leadership skills. I am extremely happy and lucky to be your student. I was able to represent our school at the inter-school competition only with your guidance and support. Our team received immense appreciation from the judges and the authorities. Our fellow students also appreciated our performance.
Once again, thank you for appreciating me and encouraging me to give my best. It means a lot. This will give me more encouragement to participate in upcoming competitions and keep giving my best performance.
Sender’s Full Name

Template 3: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Sender’s Full Name
Your address
Address of the Receiver
Dear Aunt Dolma,
Hope you are doing great. With this letter, I would like to thank you for taking out time to attend my dance competition. I want to express my gratitude to you for your kind words and for appreciating my dance performance. With your continuous encouragement and support, I have become a better dancer than I was earlier. Receiving such kind appreciative notes from you makes me feel more confident. I am happy to have you as my constant motivator.
I hope I will make you and everyone in my family proud by becoming a good dancer and great performer like you. Give my regards to Uncle Jonas & cousin Nick.
With Love,
_____ (Sender’s Name)

Template 4: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Address of the Sender
Email Address of the Sender
Name of Receiver
Address of the Receiver
Subject: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Dear ______ (Name of the Recipient)
I am writing this letter to let you know that I received the promotion and appreciation mail today. I want to express my gratitude towards you for appreciating my work and offering me the position of Manager of the Sales Department. I am extremely delighted to hear your kind words and your valuable feedback. With your guidance, I was able to reach my target before the deadline. Thank you for always guiding me and helping me perform better.
I would like to thank you for always encouraging me, supporting me and appreciating me since my first date of work. I feel extremely honored and lucky to have you as my boss.
Sender’s Full Name

Template 5: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Sender’s Full Name
Your address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
I received your letter today morning. I wish you were here with me to celebrate this occasion. With this letter, I just want to thank you for your constant support, encouragement and your appreciation. I feel extremely lucky to have a supportive friend like you. I am certain that your constant support helped me clear the medical exam. I have finally become a Doctor now. I would have given up on this dream if you wouldn’t have motivated me everyday. Thank you for always appreciating me and helping me make life decisions.
Once again, thank you, my friend, for appreciating me and being a part of my success. I feel extremely happy and grateful after receiving your letter. Hope to meet you and celebrate this big achievement soon. Looking forward to having a great time with you!
With Love,
_____ (Sender’s Name)

Template 6: Thank You Letter for Appreciation
Sender’s Full Name
Your address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to thank you for appreciating me by sending gifts and your love on getting a job at ____ Bank. I feel so happy and lucky to have you by my side for always supporting me in everything and appreciating all my achievements. I still remember and have the letter which you wrote to congratulate me when I won my first school race. I cherish that letter even today. I am missing you a lot today. I wanted to celebrate this good news with you and Dad.
I will be coming home next month and will celebrate Christmas and New Year with you both. Thank you for trusting me and motivating me. Your token of appreciation means a lot to me and I will keep it safe.
I wish to make you and Dad proud of me. Miss you and love you. See you soon.
With Love,
_____ (Sender’s Name)