In case your organization or you get a contribution of any type, it is imperative to send a thank-you letter for contribution. A thank you note can strengthen relationships with contributors and also ensure future funding if necessary. Further, it is a way for the donors to know how much thankful you are for their support. Such notes also act as evidence of a gift that can be also used for tax purposes.
Thus, a thank-you letter is a simple way to improve the retention of your contributor and should not be ignored at all. In this article, we will cover the different aspects of this thank-you letter. We will also include some sample thank-you letters that can serve as templates when you sit down to draft your appreciation message.
What is a Thank-You Letter for Contribution?
Whenever you query others about how to collect contributions for a nonprofit organization, the conversation instantly diverts to means of getting new donors. That is what a majority of people contemplate when they try to raise contributions. The visible work receives plenty of attention. However, all that comes at an additional cost as it is equally important to retain existing donors or contributors for organizing the finances of your organization.
It is crucial to note that trying to acquire a new donor should never be accomplished by not reserving existing donors. Thus, a crucial criterion to retain donors is to write a thank-you letter for contribution.
Nonprofit organizations spend a lot of time to try and get contributions in the first place. An easy way to look at a thank you note to a donor as a receipt and not as a significant inclusion of donor communication. However, an effective thank you note is more about emotions and sentiments and less about being considered as a piece of evidence.
If a donor offers a contribution of goods or money to your nonprofit organization, it is a response to a special cause, out of their goodness, an online campaign, or an appeal. To put it simply, it is an emotional decision on their part. After all, giving money for a good cause always feels good and so is supporting a noble cause. Your thank-you message can go a long way to boost their morale and make them feel even better for their noble gesture.
When is a Thank-You Letter for Contribution Required?
There can be tremendous pressure to find donors for your cause. At the same time, you can have a significant impact on your fundraising efforts by retaining your existing donors. A thank-you letter for contribution is a kind and thoughtful gesture on your part to demonstrate that you and your organization cares for the mission. It also shows your gratitude towards the donors who made you fulfill your objectives.
Such thank-you letters divert the focus to the donors from your organization. This also creates a unique sense of gratification and achievement for the donor. They are likely to remain invested in the organization for several years. Ideally, there should not be many gaps in between receiving the contribution and sending the letter to the donor.
Tips for Writing an Effective Thank-You Letter for Contribution
Check out these simple tips to write and send an effective thank-you letter for contribution:
1. Do not procrastinate in sending the thank you note to the donor
Make sure you send the thank you note as early as possible. Ideally, you should send the note within a couple of days after getting the contribution. Doing so will reflect that the recipient is acquainted with their gesture and it had the desired impact.
It may look slightly awkward to reach out to your donor instantly after their contribution. However, it is vital to be prompt while responding. The letter makes the donor feel that you have an eye on the inflow of funds into your organization. This way, they are also sure that their contribution is not lost. Also, you want the donors to feel extremely special and appreciated. Your donor will feel nice about their benevolence and continue with their contribution even in the future.
2. You should remind the donor how their donation or contribution helped you to fulfill a noble cause
The strategy that was used by you to get financial assistance from the donor is still applicable when you write a thank you message to them. Instead of drafting a plain thank you note, you can remind him/her how their contribution has helped you. Also, use the note as an opportunity to highlight your specific projects.
We do not recommend you to just copy and paste the same lines you had previously used in the
promotional material. Instead, link the contribution to your current activities.
3. The thank you note should have a personal tone
Your thank-you message should have a personal tone and express your sincere emotions. So, do not hesitate in using a cordial tone in the thank you note to the contributor. The note should also have a sincere tone and you should address it specifically to the contributor or donor. It is not mandatory to use the first name of the donor in your letter. However, restrain from using a generic salutation. If the opening of your letter is vague, it may have a reverse effect on the personal bond you are trying to set up.
4. You must include the magic words “thank you” in your letter
It is imperative to start your thank-you note with the magical words: thank you. At the same time, make it a point not to ask for another contribution in the thank you message. Many charitable organizations make the common mistake of forgetting the purpose of their thank you notes. The purpose or objective of your thank-you note is to show your appreciation to the donor and thank them for their generosity.
Remember that your thank-you note is not a reminder for them to contribute again. Rather, it is a letter to express your heartfelt gratitude through your sincere words. Its purpose is to also let the donors know about the effect of their contribution. So, never try to advertise any new events or solicit a new donation in your letter. In case there is an upcoming event that you feel the donor might show their interest in, mention it in a separate letter.
5. Make sure your thank-you letters are as short as possible
It makes sense to maintain the length of your note manageable. That is because you only have to express the effect of their contribution and your gratitude in the letter. Any extra details may make the note boring and an ordeal to go through. Such a letter may even demotivate your contributors from contributing again in the future.
6. In case you are too tied up with your work and don’t have time for a handwritten thank-you letter, ensure that you add your actual signature
Your thank-you note should be signed with an actual signature. Also, anything else you plan to write after putting in your signature has to be handwritten. In other words, it is always better to send a handwritten thank-you note to the donor if possible. A typed letter has the danger of having an impersonal touch.
As mentioned earlier, a thank you note can also have a positive effect on retaining your donor. If you want to shorten the procedure for sending your thank-you notes, it is always a good thumb of the rule to refer to some thank-you templates. You can then customize these letters for each contributor to add a personal touch.
7. Make sure to separate your donation receipts and donation thank-you letters
It is crucial to separate your donation receipts from donation thank-you messages. If you mix the letter and the receipt, it may appear to the donor that they got the note only due to the amount of their contribution. So, it is important to give stress to the fact that they gave x amount in check. Rather, you appreciate that they contributed to a good cause.
8. Your recurring donors should get special recognition in the thank-you letter
Does this donor or contributor have a recurring history of contributing aids to your organization? If the answer is in affirmative, mentioning this fact in the letter can be highly beneficial for you. There is no harm in mentioning this in the thank you note itself. However, make sure your letter is customized and is not generic.
Samples of Thank-You Letter for Contribution
As is now evident to you all, it is a good practice to show your gratitude to your supporters. To make your life hassle-free, we have put together some handy templates of thank-you letters for contribution. You may refer to these templates while writing your thank-you note. However, make sure to customize your thank-you note to the donor for a greater impact.
Sample Letter 1

Sender address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your benevolence and contribution to [Name of your company]. We are delighted to get your support. It is because of your generous donation that you could able to achieve the goal of [Mention the goal]. We are also able to continue walking towards the [Objectives of your company]. You have indeed made a significant difference for which we will be always grateful.
As of now, your contribution is being channelized towards [Mention the problem]. In case you have any queries about how we are utilizing your fund or our company, do not hesitate to get in touch with [Name of the person] through [Contact number].
(Sender Name)

Sample Letter 2
Sender address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
We would like to express our appreciation for your contribution. We, at [Name of the charitable organization] deeply appreciate your generous contribution and your efforts. Your aid assists to fulfill our mission further through [Name of projects].
Let me reinforce that your help is too precious for us so thank you once again! If there are any specific queries about our overall mission, you can visit our corporate website [Website name] or contact us at [Contact details].
(Sender Name)

Sample Letter 3
Sender address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
I write this letter to you with immense joy about the positive effect of your recent contribution. It was just a week ago that the pathetic hygiene of the slum [slum name] was brought to our notice. It was only because of your generous donation, we could take the necessary steps so that the residents could enjoy better living conditions.
Not only me but all those people will also be deeply indebted to you for your timely support and good deed.
Thanking you once again.
(Sender Name)

Sample Letter 4
Sender address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
It is because of your kind financial support, we have been able to make a difference. You have been continuously supportive of our organizational mission, which is highly appreciable to us. We feel you must also have similar sentiments.
It was an honor for us to find out that you decided to increase the amount of your contribution this [year/month]. Your assistance has already begun to show results. You may contact [Name, mobile number] in case there are any specific queries. It would be a great pleasure to interact with you and thank you once again.
With warmest wishes and deepest gratitude,
(Sender Name)

Sample Letter 5
Sender address
Address of the Receiver
Dear _____ (Name of the Recipient),
We would like to extend our deep gratitude for your contribution to our nonprofit organization [Name of nonprofit]. It made a big difference to the kids in the community.
It’s courtesy of your support, children now have a safe place to return to after school. Rather than staying at home alone while their parents are working, the children are now learning artwork and playing soccer and basketball.
Wishing you the best always!
(Sender Name)