Managing finances is not always easy. It is in fact one of the most important things to do as an adult. But you are not alone in this. A lot of people in the world feel that way. Accountants are those people who take this weight off our shoulders and take care of the things that need to be done. Be it filing taxes or managing your money or your business or your properties. They are most helpful in tax preparation and filing our taxes. So, it is imperative that you send a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation. In this article we will provide you with some guidance on how to go about sending a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation.
What is a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation?
A Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation is an expression of your gratitude towards the Accountant who has prepared and executed your tax filings in an organized manner. The Accountant has ensured that proper paperwork has been done and all the declarations are within the gambit of the rules set by the government. This Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation is genuine heartfelt thank you for a job well done.
Why must you send a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation?
Any good deed needs some kind of appreciation. And an Accountant is someone who is called upon to handle your tax preparation year after year. So, it is natural that you will be thankful to such a person. There are also, a lot of Accountants out there who might be able to do the same job. But your Accountant has not given you a reason to look elsewhere by going above and beyond his job to ensure you are happy.
There might also be scenarios where your Accountant has saved you a significant amount of money by filing your taxes under correct brackets. Your Accountant could have also advised you to make some investments that had a direct impact on your taxes. These things need to be called and deserve sending a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation.
When must you send a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation?
It is not carved in stone when a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation must be sent. But, it is advisable to send the Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation immediately after your taxes have been filed. But having said that you can also send the Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation at other more personal occasions.
There is no other objective other than thanking the Accountant in the letter. So, you can send the Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation anytime. The important thing to remember is that the letter must be genuine and from the heart.
How to write a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation?
As most thank you letters this Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation must also follow a basic structure.
The letter can be split into different parts and each part has its own significance and some guidelines.
Opening Statement:
This section shows the intent of the Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation. In this case the intent of the letter is to say Thank you to your Accountant. In this section you can choose to be either informal or formal. But your choice here sets the tone for the rest of the Thank you letter. You can address the Accountant by their first name if he is a close acquaintance. If they are not someone you know personally you can use “Mr” or “Ms”.
Statement of Thanks:
Here the Thank you statement must be used extremely clearly and leave no room for any other emotion. It could read something like “Thank you for all the work you put in for my tax preparation.” This section is very important and your thank you statement must be unambiguously clear.
The body of the Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation will include some more details about why you are grateful to your Accountant. You can mention the difficulties you had faced before engaging their services. If your Accountant is someone you interact with regularly, you can mention how they have consistently helped you. If you know your Accountant personally, you can inquire about his family in this section. But keep these details brief since the objective of the letter is just to thank the Accountant.
Finishing Statement:
End the Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation with a final note of thanks. This final thank you will serve as the last thought the reader will be left with when they finish reading the letter. So, it is very important to end the letter with this note.
The Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation must end with a sign off note such as “Wishing you well” or “look forward to seeing you soon”. The letter must close with your name prefixed with a statement like “Warm regards” or “Sincerely”.
What are some tips to keep in mind while writing a Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation?
Write in your own style:
They say your writing reflects your personality. That is exactly the kind of genuineness you want reflected off your Thank you letter. So, write in your own inimitable style. That way the Accountant also comes to realize that you have written a heartfelt letter.
Brevity is important:
In these Thank you letters it is very easy to be carried away and start writing pages and pages on why you are thankful to your Accountant. But remember to be brief and to the point. Brevity is your friend. Don’t include any detail which does not add value to the letter. The Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation should never be more than a page long.
If you want to show your appreciation to your Accountant by including a small gift you do so by sending it along with your letter. But keep in mind, the gift should not be very expensive. The cost of the gift must not overshadow the thought behind it.
Write the letter by hand:
It is recommended that the Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation be written by hand. Be careful to write the letter slowly and ensure it is legible. Choose the right kind of paper and ink before starting the letter.

What are some of the examples of Thank you letter to your Accountant for tax preparation?
Example 1:
Dear Joe,
I am writing this letter to Thank you for being so diligent with the tax preparation. You have maintained the records so well that tax filing becomes an easy task. I also appreciate all the time you spend in maintaining the record books.
It was a huge task for me when earlier I used to file tax on my own. After having employed you as my accountant, you have relieved me off a huge burden. I am stress free now when it comes to tax preparation. You go through the numbers again and again and I really appreciate the effort you put in. Your advices have always been very beneficial for me. They have helped me to make appropriate investments and savings. You are a blessing, and I am so thankful that I have employed your services.
I remember you had mentioned that your son Jack loves superhero movies. I have booked movie XXX movie tickets for you and your family for Saturday night. You have been working very hard and you deserve some fun time with your family.
Once again Thank you for doing such a wonderful job.

Example 2:
Dear Sam,
It has been a fruitful year for our organization. And I want to take this moment to Thank you for your hard work for tax preparation.
You have been extremely organized and have kept track of all the receipts. Not only that, you put in extra effort in going through the financial reports. And you helped us identify areas where we could save costs. This was a huge saving for our company.
We value our employees and we believe that their well-being matters the most to us. Everyone has worked very hard in this financial year and it’s time for some reward. As a token of appreciation, we will be giving you a bonus. We also understand that your families must have sacrificed a lot for the extra hours you spent in office. It’s important we value their support as well. The HR team has organized a family picnic for all the employees. This will be a good opportunity to meet the family members of our colleagues and spend a day away from the office premises. The details of the venue will be emailed to you separately.
We sincerely appreciate your hard work and effort. Employees like you are an asset to our company. Thank you once again for making tax preparation such a smooth process.
Yours Truly,
Henry Smith.

Example 3:
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing this letter to Thank you for reviewing the accounts of my company. I was looking for a reliable person to look after the accounts. I am so Thankful that I employed your services.
I had a lot of pending tasks and it was becoming impossible for me to maintain the financial books and file tax. Since the time you joined my company, you have managed the tax preparation with utmost honesty and sincerity. I am amazed at how quick you are in categorizing the payments. You also share the weekly reports regularly and I wholeheartedly appreciate that.
I can’t Thank you enough for carrying out your duties with so much responsibility, care and consciousness. You are an asset to my organization, and I am sending you a small gift to acknowledge the valuable services you have rendered.
Many Thanks,
Joe Turner.

Example 4:
Dear Tom,
I am so grateful that you manage all the accounting and tax needs of my business. Every tax season has some unique challenges and this year was no different. But, like always you did an exceptional job and I can’t Thank you enough for that.
I am thoroughly impressed with the way you monitor every single financial development that may affect our tax positions and filings. You never fail to keep me updated on any government updates and tax policy changes and that is indeed helpful. I value your services and effort.
I know how much you love your coffee and I am attaching a small gift card to your favorite coffee shop. Please take some time out from your busy schedule and visit this café. Relish a cup of coffee along with your wife.
Once again, Thankful that you for managing my finances and audits. I am indeed blessed to have a highly qualified accountant in my team.
Billy Smith.

Example 5:
Dear Mary,
It’s a privilege that I have such a highly competent and qualified person like you to manage my finances and tax preparation. Your exceptional services and hard work is absolutely commendable. Thank you for handling all the stressful work all by yourself and keeping me away from this big mammoth task.
I am a very disorganized person when it comes to managing my finances and maintaining records. In fact I had lost some important receipts as well. Since the time you have started looking after my accounts, tax filing has become so much smoother. It is certainly not an easy task to go through the numbers again and again and to ensure nothing important has been missed out. Because you have taken the entire responsibility of tax preparation, I have been able to concentrate on new business pitches and clients. I have acquired some new clients and this year has been extremely profitable for me.
I know you have spent nights in office to sort out my finances and organize my record books. You missed your son’s annual sports event as well and I feel terrible. But this shows your level of commitment to your work. In lieu of the exceptional services you have rendered as my accountant I am attaching a holiday voucher for you and your family. I hope you will get to spend some quality time with your family.
Thank you for all your support and guidance.
Warm Regards,
Billy Joe.