Do you recollect the nurse who took such good care of you every night in the hospital? Or a nurse who made your child comfortable when he/she was admitted to a nursing home recently? However, you may be uncertain of how to thank the nurse for their commitment and kindness.
Receiving and expressing gratitude is a great morale booster that also helps in enhancing job satisfaction. The act can also lead to increased job performance, improved self-efficacy, and diminishing psychological distress. Many nurses also feel that hearing words of appreciation from patients and their families remind them why decided to join such a noble field.
Writing a thank you note to the nurse communicates your appreciation and gratitude. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how diligently nurses have been working throughout the world so that patients can get better services. As such, they deserve some kind of recognition.
Many large organizations are going the extra mile to demonstrate gratitude to the nurses. So, you may question what is the need for patients to send a basic thank you note? The response to this question is quite simple. You being the actual patient has a different experience as opposed to someone else. Therefore, you would like them to realize the positive impact they had on you.
What is a Thank you note to nurse?
Nurses are usually outstanding professionals. They are kind and have a lot of patience. So, it makes sense to take out some time and let your favorite nurse know the way she or he had an impact on your life. You need to follow these steps while sending a thank you note to nurse:
1. Hunt for the address of the nurse
You may be wondering whether people still have a habit of sending mails not. While many people have stopped doing that, it can be great fun to receive mail in your mailbox. If you plan to send a thank you letter to your nurse, how about going that extra mile and preparing a handwritten note.
You may ask the nurse what their address is. Alternatively, you may also contact them on social media platforms to know the address.
2. Find an appropriate card
It can be a big challenge to find a thank you note for your caregiver in a card aisle. That’s because you will hardly come across a “nurse” aisle besides those entire sympathy and birthday card. So, it is better to go for a blank card to write your unique heartfelt message. However, there is a chance that a card bought from a store may not be special enough.
3. Make up your mind about how you wish to start the letter
There is a possibility that your nurse and you became pretty close. In case you met her every week for some time now, you do not have to start your letter with an introduction about yourself. On the other hand, if you met the nurse on a few occasions, it could be difficult for them to remember you. After all, a busy nurse interacts with so many patients every day.
So, it may make sense to start your thank you letter with a short introduction. For instance, you may begin with something such as, “I have observed you every week for my back treatments.”
You can also refer to an inside joke or a story that they are aware of. You simply need to refer to something for jogging their memory.
4. Decide on the right words to use
Every nurse has a tough job. After all, they have to administer medical care, knowledge, and emotional support. All nurses need to make tough decisions from time to time. Some of them even have to tell their patients to begin end-of-life planning. Make sure you refer to the emotional investment of your nurse in your letter or card.
Do not write awkward or unnecessary words in your thank you letter. Rather, brainstorm properly before you start writing so that you are not in that position ever. For instance, you may mention the following things about your nurse in the note:
· Emotional investment
· Expert medical knowledge
· Effect on your family member or you. For example, your letter may explain how they offered extraordinary hospital care for your parent.
· Kind behavior. For instance, they might have shared lots of jokes while you were recovering from surgery.
5. Decide on the gift
You may wonder whether giving a gift to them is appropriate or doable or not. In case that is not possible, it is perfectly okay. A letter could be impactful by itself. However, in case you have an urge to purchase a gift, think about what to purchase carefully.
If you are unaware of their names, it is better to opt for gag gifts. There is hardly any scope of going wrong with a practical gift, such as healthcare books or a pair of slippers. You may always give a gift card to your favorite nurse.
6. Deliver the card or gift
There is a chance that you are unable to locate the address of your favorite nurse. Or, you could have decided to deliver the gift to them in person. You may leave your thank you note at the front desk in case your nurse is engaged. Their coworker should be able to hand the letter to them.
When a Thank You Note to Nurse is Required?
Think what would have happened to you if you did not have a cheerful nurse near you when you were admitted to a hospital the last time. It would certainly not have been the same experience for you, right? So, how about making that nurse happy with a simple, adorable gesture from your side?
It is an era when we require the presence of dedicated healthcare staff the most. There is also a nursing crisis in the ongoing pandemic situation. It simply results in more burnout and leads to more nurses wishing to quit the field.
Thus, it is imperative for people to help them to keep their spirits high and boost their morale so that they do not quit their profession.
The care and affection nurses offer have a significant impact on patients. Similarly, a thank you note to nurse has a tremendous effect on nurses. It means a lot to them like anyone else to receive appreciation or a word of thanks from their patients. Many nurses admit that if any family member of a patient or the patient wrote to them, they felt motivated and inspired.
So, deliver a thank you card or note to a nurse who took such a lot of effort for your well-being. A deserving professional feels motivated by such a kind act of yours. Even you will feel good after sending such a letter.
Tips for Writing an Effective Thank You Note to Nurse
Check out these simple yet handy tips to follow while writing an effective thank you note to nurse below:
1. Handwrite your thank you letter for a greater impact
When you handwrite your thank you letter, it shows how much you care for the recipient. Mention you shared an inside joke to remind them who you are. You may also choose an appropriate card for sending it to the nurse. Once you complete writing the letter, you may send it to the hospital and request to hand it over to the concerned nurse.
After you write your letter, you can send it off to the hospital requesting they give it to the nurse.
2. Use an appropriate greeting while beginning your letter
Make sure you start your letter with a proper greeting. For instance, you should start your thank you note with “Dear [Recipient Name]” instead of “Hi” or “Hey.” A formal greeting aids in underscoring how genuine you are about writing the note. Also, it begins the letter on a proper, positive note.
3. Introduce yourself all over again
You need to follow this step based on how long it has been since you last met the nurse and whether they helped out frequently or not. It is always better to play safe and introduce yourself all over again.
In case the nurse did something special that you recollect, mention it in your thank you letter. The incident and your name will assist them to recollect you very well.
4. Mention the reason for your gratitude
It is always recommended to be specific about the cause while praising somebody. While you definitely appreciate the way they looked after you, mention the exact reason for your gratitude in the note. For instance, you may write that their banter helped you to forget your pain.
Samples for a Thank You Note to Nurse
The following are some of the samples for writing a thank you note to nurse. You can use them as templates while writing your own thank you letter in the future.
Sample Letter 1

Sender’s Full Name
Sender’s address
Address of the Receiver
Dear ———-(Name of the Recipient),
It is likely that you do not remember me and yet I remember you very well. My name is [Patient Name] and I was that stubborn patient who refused to take the medicines. Although I protested every time, it was you who coaxed me to take my medication. You even gave me a nice treat so that I would take the tablets.
I am appreciative of your patience and care and thought you let you know about it. Thank you for your attention and time.
———–(Sender’s Name)

Sample Letter 2
Sender’s Full Name
Sender’s address
Address of the Receiver
Dear ———-(Name of the Recipient),
There is hardly anyone who likes to stay in the ICU. Yet, your wit and sense of humor gave me incredible strength during my trying time. My name is [Patient Name] and I was the patient who always complained to you that the breakfast there resembled prisoner’s food.
Instead of getting upset, you smiled and found my bantering hilarious. Hopefully, I did not irritate you too much. To be honest, I loved your attention and care. You went out of your way to make me comfortable and always listened to my problems. Thank you for being a funny and caring nurse.
Yours sincerely,
———–(Sender’s Name)

Sample Letter 3
Sender’s Full Name
Sender’s address
Address of the Receiver
Dear ———-(Name of the Recipient),
This is to let you know what a marvelous pediatric nurse you have been. Our son, [Name of Son] had to undergo heart surgery. You had played a vital role to help to soothe his apprehensions about going through the procedures.
You even read him a bedtime story every night when he was there in the hospital. I thank you for going that extra mile to make my son feel safe and happy. He appreciated your kind gesture as well.
Thank you for everything and I wish you well.
Yours sincerely,
———–(Sender’s Name)

Sample Letter 4
Sender’s Full Name
Sender’s address
Address of the Receiver
Dear ———-(Name of the Recipient),
The way to my complete recovery was such a long one. I have visited several hospitals in the last few years but have never come across such a dedicated nurse like you. Your support and responsiveness to my queries were simply adorable. Even if you did not have some of the answers, you made sure that I was okay with the responses I got from my doctor or other nurses.
Your kindness and patience made a life-changing difference for me. My family was not able to come to the hospital much but your jovial personality lifted my spirits and made me stronger. Thank you so much for being a great nurse.
Yours sincerely,
———–(Sender’s Name)

Sample Letter 5
Sender’s Full Name
Sender’s address
Address of the Receiver
Dear ———-(Name of the Recipient),
Thanks so much for taking care of my mother while she was admitted to the hospital! I was so worried when I visited her first, especially about her medical care. She has never liked the idea of being in the hospital, and she is not fond of doctors. However, she mentioned how you had helped her take her medicines and explained what was going on, so I realized you were a really great nurse!
You spent so much time with my mother — even when she didn’t need anything. Since I live six hours away, I couldn’t see her every day. That was so hard on both of us, but you really made her feel at home during a difficult situation. You’re such a kind person, and I’m so happy that there are nurses like you. Thanks so much for your patience and empathy!
———–(Sender’s Name)

Sample Letter 6

Sender’s Full Name
Sender’s address
Address of the Receiver
Dear ———-(Name of the Recipient),
Thanks so much for your kindness while I was in the hospital. Even though I wasn’t there for very long, it was a sad time for me. Your empathy was a really bright spot during that time. Thanks also for keeping my parents updated on my situation.
You’re a standout nurse, and I’m glad you ended up being my main nurse. Best wishes for your career and future patients!
———–(Sender’s Name)