Parental involvement is a key component in the growth, success and wellbeing of children. It is the collective effort of the school administration, teachers and parents that helps raise children in the best possible way. But, one of the toughest parts of being a teacher is working with parents to bring out the best in their children when they are starting new.
However, you can burn these bridges by creating an open and clear line of communication with the parents. As an educator, it’s not always possible to meet with parents face to face. But, you can always choose to write a letter and communicate with them.
It is this specific need that has given birth to the concept of welcoming parents and students through a first day of school letter. Letters like these not only help teachers introduce themselves to parents, but also offer a good way to break the communication barrier with them.
What is a First Day of School Letter to Parents?
A first day of school letter to parents is a letter that is written by teachers to welcoming parents and their children as they begin a new year at school. First day of school letters to parents can also include a listing of school policies, curriculums etc. But, it’s not just about this!
The first day of school letter to parents serves more than one purpose. Let’s find out why a first day of school letter to parents is so important?
Importance of the First Day of School Letter to Parents
A first day of school letter to parents works as a first step to reach out to parents and establish a communication with them. It lays the foundation to building a positive relationship with parents. Along with this, it also helps quell all their nervousness as their child enters a new phase of life.
It is nice for parents to know the people that’ll be teaching their children and letters like these are the best way to do it. Above all, a first day of school letter to parents communicates how much the school administration values support from parents.
Tips for Writing an Effective First Day of School Letter to Parents
As the first day of school letter to parents is sent at the beginning of the new school year, you must be aware of certain things while putting across your thoughts. You might want to avoid anything that can upset the parents or lower their morale.
Here are some quick tips that’ll come handy while writing a first day of school letter to parents:
- Begin with a Brief Introduction: The first day of school letter to parents must begin with a brief introduction of the teacher. You can write about your skills or experience in the teaching field. Parents are always curious to know about the people who’re schooling their kids and a short introduction will do great help to build their trust.
- Welcoming Tone: Teachers should write the first day of school letter to parents in a tone that is welcoming and warm. Always start the letter on a positive note, as the main purpose of the letter is to cheer them up. Moreover, the letter should positively convey that you equally value their child’s education and personal growth.
- Easily Comprehensible: Whether you are writing about your goals as a teacher or about the school environment, the letter must always be easily comprehensible by the parents and students. Its recommended that you keep the letter brief and use simple language to express your thoughts.
- Convey the Importance of Parental Involvement: The letter should be able to convey how much the teacher values the support of parents throughout their child’s learning journey. Through these letters, you can also suggest parents how to enhance their kid’s learning at home. But, also express your desire to help so that your letter doesn’t sound as if you’re placing the full responsibility on parents.
First Day of School Letter to Parents Templates
Whether it’s the first day of kindergarten or the 5th grade, the first day of school is always an emotional time for most parents. As for teachers, welcoming a new bunch of students with every new session can be equally nerve wracking! So, if you’re struggling to write an effective first day of school letter to parents, you can get some ideas through all these first day of school letter to parent templates.
Template #1
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
My name is ____________ and I am so happy to be a part of the ______ grade team. Most of all, I am thrilled to teach your child for the upcoming session!
It’s going to be a fun-filled year, packed with lots of learning and new adventures. I can’t wait to get to know your child and share what’s all is in store for the coming year. But, before that I would love to introduce myself. I was born in ________ and did my graduation from ________________. I live in __________ and started teaching almost 3 years ago.
The first day of school has arrived and I’m sure your mind is racing with questions. However, it’s time to take a deep breath and calm down. Your child is in good hands and I am sure we’ll work together as a team to making his new learning journey as smooth and amazing as possible.
I am so happy to welcome your child to the first day of school! Looking forward to hearing from you and kick starting your child’s first day of school in the most awesome way!
Have a great day!
______________ (Teacher’s name)

Template #2
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I am _______ , your child’s teacher for the upcoming school year. I would like to begin with congratulating you for your son’s/daughter’s admission to the new session!
I am really looking forward to working with you to help your child succeed in both academics and extra-curricular activities. I have been teaching for 5 years now, but every new session feels like a fresh new beginning for me. I am sure you are too looking forward to your child’s first day of school with equal joy and excitement!
In order to do my best as a teacher, any information to help guide me would be excellent! Please feel free to share any details or likes/dislikes you think may benefit your child.
If you have any concerns or queries, just let me know!
My email address: _____________
Yours Sincerely,

Template #3
Hello! __________(Parent(s)/Guardian(s) name)
My name is ____________ , and I am writing this letter to welcoming your child to his/her first day at school.
I am glad to have this opportunity to write to you and convey my best wishes to you and your child. With this letter, I ask you to work with me in creating the best possible learning environment for your child.
I will only have your child for a year, but my goal is to make a contribution that lasts a lifetime. I believe that the best teaching environment is one that makes a child feel at home. Most importantly, I believe in bringing all children together in forming a learning community that unites without losing their unique qualities.
Feel free to write to me about your child. I look forward to an amazing partnership in your child’s learning journey.
Yours Sincerely,
Email address: _________________

Template #4
My name is _____________ and I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year. I am sure this school year is going to be really amazing as we’ll learn along with having a lot of fun along the way!
With the first day of school approaching, I am all excited to get to know your child and contribute to his/her overall growth.
I have been teaching at ______________ for ___ years now and with every passing year I love teaching more and more. I love working with young minds and hone their skills to help them become bright and sharp.
This year is going to be a great one. I hope you are just as excited as I am to begin this new journey together. My best wishes to you and your child for the first day at school.
Yours Sincerely,

Template #5
Dear ____________ ,
It is a pleasure to have your child in my class this year. I am looking forward to working with you and your child as you prepare for the first day at school.
Before ___________ (Present school name) I was teaching in ______(Previous school name). This is my 2nd year as a grade _____ teacher. I have always believed that when I teach, I also learn. So, my growth is only possible when I and my students become one team in the entire process of learning.
I am always amazed how the youngest of learners are able to shine bright with the constant support of parents and teachers. So, I am looking forward to stay in touch with you as your child learns how to reach for the stars.
Yours Sincerely

Template #6
Dear Parents/Guardian,
My name is __________ and I have been teaching in ___________ (school name) for over 7 years. I welcome you and your child to our little family at (school name) as I look forward to helping your child reach his/her full potential.
My objective as a teacher is to guide your child towards success, both academically and personally. I will do my best to ensure your child’s attentive participation in class. I also look forward to your cooperation in this whole process, so we can work together to help your child excel and grow in the best possible way.
Please feel free to write to me, as I’d love to stay in touch discussing your child’s progress in the upcoming session.
Best wishes

Template #7
Dear Parents,
I am _________ , and I’ll be teaching your child at ___________. I am excited to welcome you and your child to this wonderful new journey.
I want you to keep all your stress away, as I’ll do my best to walk by your child’s side throughout this new journey. I am sure you’ll be a proud parent when you’ll watch your child learn and grow with every passing day.
I believe in creating a thriving environment for children, which is only possible when parents and teachers are one unit. So, I’ll look forward to hearing back from you so we can do our best to make way for your child’s academic success and behavioral growth.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to write back to me. Wishing you and your child all the best for a bright future!
Yours sincerely

Template #8
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to ___ grade!
I am really looking forward to this new school year and hope you’re equally excited too! From learning new things to making new friends, there is a lot that’s waiting for your child on his/her first day of school.
As an educator, my goal is to inspire your child to work sincerely and become a curious learner. I believe it’s equally important for kids to get along with others as much it is to shine independently. I’ll be working really hard to bring out the best in your child and as well hope for your involvement throughout the session. I am looking forward to working with you as a partner and share the responsibility of your child’s success and growth in the best way.
I am glad to welcome you all to the first day of school and can’t wait to get started already! Thank you for your support and looking forward to meeting you. Sincerely