Thank you letters are meant for showing appreciation for various reasons. However, each one differs according to the reason they are being sent for. The tone varies as per the intended recipient.
Thank you letters are powerful tools for showing you care and are grateful for something. More than anything else, it is a courteous gesture and reflects good manners. With people leading busy lives, trying to juggle with a hectic schedule, making an effort to ‘thank you’ holds a lot of meaning. When someone gives you money as a gift, or as donation, you must write a thank you letter after receiving money to express your excitement and gratitude.
What should a thank-you letter after receiving money gift include?
When thanking someone for the money gift they gave, the idea is to show them your appreciation and let them know it will help you achieve something. It may be something that you needed to buy, a task you wanted complete, or will add to your savings. The letter must include the basic letter writing etiquette and should be drafted based on your relationship with the gift giver.
Money gifts may come in different forms. It may be cash, a card, or a voucher. As most thank you letters each one can be drafted with a similar polite tone but worded differently. Talking about money gifts may not be as simple as it seems because most people do not feel comfortable talking about it. It is natural to feel awkward expressing thanks for a money gift whether it is funeral money, money gifted for graduation, or other reasons. But, taking the time to say thank-you is extremely important to let people know how much you appreciate their kindness.
However, unlike a thank you letter for donation received, an appreciation letter for money received as gifts should never have any mention about the amount.
What is the best time to write a thank you letter after receiving a money gift?
One important thing to be kept in mind is the timing. A thank you letter should never be delayed. The ideal time to send it is within a few days.
If you have a habit of procrastination, buck up! Be prompt in sending thank you letters after receiving money gifts from anyone. Sending a gift appreciation letter after days and weeks does not mean anything. It shows a lack of interest on the sender’s part.
The best thing to do is to send a thank you letter within two or three days. If you are tied up with work and do not have time, stretch it to a maximum of one week. A good idea is to send an electronic thank-you note before sending a handwritten version. That will buy you some time. It does not take much time to draft a thank-you letter after receiving a cash gift when tips and samples are available.
Tips for writing an effective thank-you letter for a money gift
What to and what not to write in a thank you letter for money
It may be confusing when you sit to write a thank you note after receiving a cash gift on your birthday, wedding, Christmas, baby shower, graduation, or any other occasion. Knowing what to say in a thank you letter after receiving money does help in drafting a meaningful letter. Here are some tips that will help you pen down an impressive thank you letter that sounds genuine and straight from the heart.
Use appropriate salutation
Using the correct salutation matters. Whether it will be a formal or an informal one depends on your relationship with the sender of the money gift. Thank you letters to close relations and friends may start with a hello, or dear, but a gift received from a teacher, a neighbor, a boss requires to be addressed formally. In such cases Dear sir, Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (full name) deems fit.
Choose the right words
The words used in a thank you letter would vary depending on where the money gift came from. It will also be determined by how you intend to spend it and if you want to share the purpose with them. The amount of money received also plays a part in wording a thank you letter after receiving money gift.
It sounds polite to mention ‘money’ as a ‘gift’. It is okay to say thank you for your generous gift.
Compliments add a nice touch to thank you letters. Use words like kind, considerate, caring, thoughtful, and generous.
Begin the letter by saying thanks
Let the recipient of the letter know what the letter is all about, right in the beginning. That will convey the message better and help them to know it is an acknowledgment and appreciation of their gift.
- Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift. It will help me buy my college study material. (mention your intention)
- I am so thankful to you for your kind gesture of giving me such a thoughtful gift on my birthday (occasion)
Mention what you intend to do with the money
Mentioning what you want to do with the money shows appreciation, involvement, and a connection with the receiver. It expresses your happiness and excitement. Never mention the amount of money received as that may seem rude. Just say you are thankful for the money gift in general and discuss your plans only if you feel comfortable. It also depends on the kind of relationship you share with the gift giver.
Handwritten letters are more impressive
Handwritten thank you letters are always more appreciated. It shows you have taken out time and made an effort to pen it down in person. People often treasure handwritten letters, notes, and cards as it has a personal touch.
Keep It short and sweet
Thank you letters need not necessarily be long, and detailed documents. It is alright to write a fairly long letter if you have enough meaningful things to write. But remember not to go off the track just to make the letter look elaborate.
Remember, not to make it complicated. Keep it simple and convey your sincere appreciation for the gift.
# I wanted to say a huge thank you for your thoughtful gift. It is the thought that counts and I am so lucky to have a friend like you.
#Thank you for going out of your way and sending me the gift. You made my day!
#Thank you so much for your thoughtful gesture. It was such a pleasant surprise to receive a graduation gift from you.
Write a final thank-you statement at the closing
You have already thanked the person for the money gift at the beginning of the letter. It is polite to mention that once again while closing the letter, only word it differently to avoid monotony.
Samples of Thank you letter after receiving money gift
Template #1
Thank you letter after receiving money gift on wedding
Dear June and Malcolm,
It was wonderful to have you at our wedding. Thank you so much for your thoughtful wedding gift. Can’t tell you how much Ellen (spouse’s name) and I appreciate it. It will add to the savings for our new home. It’s exciting to see us getting closer to reaching our goal, a big thanks to friends like you!
Thanks once again for your thoughtfulness. Looking forward to seeing you soon at your wedding. Wishing you all the best.
Ellen and John

Template #2
Thanking a relative for money gift
Dear aunt Sandra,
Thank you for the gift you sent me on my birthday. It made my day! I am blessed to have a kind, loving, and caring aunt like you. It was so thoughtful of you to send me the generous gift knowing well that I am saving for my college. I cherish and admire your kindness and how you take care of not only me, but all your nieces and nephews.
Thank you for being a role model for me and showing me how much it means to always put others before yourself. I will make you proud one day and never let your encouragement go to waste.
Many thanks for everything that you do for me.
Lovingly yours
Sam (your name)

Template #3
Thanking for a housewarming money gift
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your housewarming gift. We appreciate your thoughtful gesture. There are so many ways to use it, but we decided to get some new rocking chairs for the front porch. It will add to the beauty of the outdoor sitting area where we can spend some lovely time relaxing together.
It was the perfect gift and is much appreciated. Thank you so much for the thoughtful gift that will help us make our home more cozy and stylish!
Warm regards,

Template #4
Thank you letter to coworkers for money gift
Dear friends,
I don’t know how to express my gratitude for your kind gift. It means so much to me and my family during these difficult times. My illness has caused a lot of problems for the entire family and your gift will lighten my load to a great extent. I will put it to good use by paying my son’s college fees.
I greatly appreciate the thought that has gone behind your generous gift. I am so lucky to have friends like you who are there to support me when I need it the most.
I thank each of you for your generosity and kindness. I will never forget your caring and helpful gesture. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
(your name)

Template #5
Thanking godparents for money gift
Dear [Godparents names],
I want to thank you both for the very generous gift. I was speechless when I saw my birthday gift! The check from you came as a pleasant surprise. You have always been a support and provided motivation when I need them the most. I am so lucky my parents chose you as my godparents.
With your gift, I can now consider the gap year adventure program that I have been eyeballing for years. I know college is the next best option right after school but you know how much I like to explore and discover the world. I want to volunteer to serve the community and roam the world. That has always been my dream.
You were so thoughtful in choosing your gift knowing fully well I would simply love it! It was a grand one.
I want you to know, I truly appreciate it.
With love,

Template #6
Thanking parents for a cash gift
Dear Mom and Dad,
Don’t you always love to surprise me with your generous gifts? Thanks a ton for the gorgeous hand-painted Christmas card and the thoughtful gift card tucked along with it.
You are the sweetest and always find ways to make me smile this time of the year when I am far away from home. I am excited to have your generous gift and plan to buy some new clothes or shoes with it.
I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness! To make this awesome gift go the extra mile, I plan to wait for the after-Christmas sales. Shopping at that time will help me stretch your gift further!
Thanks again for the wonderful Christmas gift.
Template #7
Thank you letter after receiving money from a friend
Dear (Friends name),
Thank you for joining us for lunch on my birthday. It was a pleasure to have you with us. It was so thoughtful of you to fill the envelope with glitter and your lovely gift. It was a pleasant surprise indeed and made me smile. I am so blessed to have you as my pal.
Thank you also for the sweetest birthday card ever. I’m planning to shop for some kitchen gadgets with your gift. It will help me purchase some things that I really need right now.
It is always so much fun to have you around. Do plan to visit us again soon.
Much love,